Status of implementation of

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Last reviewed on 29 март 2023 by Секретариат на ЕСМ
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ДържаваEntry into forceCountry NotificationRelated National legislationAdditional Information
AT   Австрия Implemented   28 дек 2019 -

see Federal Law Gazette BGBl. I Nr. 111/2019

BE   Белгия Implemented   24 фев 2021 -

Law of Feb. 17, 2021 containing various provisions on justice - see Chapter 4: "Transposition of the Directive (EU) 2017/1371 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 July 2017 on the criminal law fight against fraud affecting the financial interests of the Union." [Entry into force 24/02/2021]

Act of December 9, 2019 amending the General Customs and Excise Act of July 18, 1977 and the Tax Code to transpose Directive (EU) 2017/1371 [Entry into force 28-12-2019]

BG   България Implemented   30 окт 2019 -

The implementing law came in force as of 30 October 2019 and has been implemented in the Bulgarian Criminal Code, Bulgarian Criminal Procedure Code, Bulgarian Civil Procedure Code, Law on the management of assets from European structural and investment funds and Law on the Judiciary.

DE   Германия Implemented   28 юни 2019

See MNE(2019)54140

Act of 19/06/2019, Federal Gazette 2019 I, 844 – Gesetz zur Umsetzung der Richtlinie (EU) 2017/1371 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 5. Juli 2017 über die strafrechtliche Bekämpfung von gegen die finanziellen Interessen der Union gerichtetem Betrug.

GR   Гърция Implemented   27 май 2020 -

Law 4689/2020

DK   Дания   - ---
EE   Естония Implemented   30 дек 2019 ---
IE   Ирландия   - ---
ES   Испания Implemented   13 мар 2019 ---
IT   Италия Implemented   30 юли 2020 -

Legislative Decree 14.7.2020 n. 75

CY   Кипър Implemented   16 юни 2020 -

Ratification Law 69(I)/2020

LV   Латвия Implemented   -

Implemented with the amendments in the Criminal Law of 06.06.2019.


LT   Литва Implemented   7 дек 2021 ---
LU   Люксембург Implemented   12 мар 2020 ---
MT   Малта Implemented   7 апр 2020



Act XVIII of 2020 amending the Criminal Code

UK   Third Country: United Kingdom   - ---
PL   Полша Planned   process ongoing ---
PT   Португалия Implemented   -

Law No. 34/87 of 16 July on the Crimes of Responsibility of Political Officers

Law No. 18/2008 of 29 January (republished by Decree-Law No. 111-B/2017 of 31 August)

Public Procurement Code

Law No. 5/2002 of 11 January establishing measures to combat organised and economic-financial crime

RO   Румъния   - ---
SK   Словакия Implemented   1 авг 2019 -


SI   Словения Implemented   5 юли 2019 ---
HU   Унгария Implemented   -

Act No C of 2012 on the Criminal Code; Act No XC of 2017 on the Criminal Proceedings

FI   Финландия Implemented   1 апр 2019 -

Laws 368-369/2019

FR   Франция Implemented   20 сеп 2019 -

Law n ° 2020-1672 of December 24, 2020 relating to the European Public Prosecutor's Office, environmental justice and specialized criminal justice

NL   Холандия Implemented   23 окт 2019 -

Decree on International Obligations of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction

HR   Хърватия Implemented   4 яну 2019 -

Criminal Code of Croatia

CZ   Чешка република Implemented   1 дек 2019 -

Act No. 40/2009 Coll., the Criminal Code (in consolidated version)

National Implementing Measures provided to the European Commission

Implementation has been completed by the Act No. 315/2019 Coll. by amending the Act No. 40/2009 Coll., the Criminal Code.

SE   Швеция Implemented   1 юли 2019

18 June 2019  (MNE database)  

Swedish Criminal Code (amendment in Chapter 9 Section 3 b)

Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure                                   

Tax Offences Act (1971:69)      

Act (2000:1225) on penalties for smuggling

Act (2014:307) on penalties for money laundering offences

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