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Status of implementation of

For the practical application of this Legal Instrument, check the EJN Practical tools for judicial cooperation
Last reviewed on 24 duben 2023 by Sekretariát EJS
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StátEntry into forceCountry NotificationRelated National legislationAdditional Information
BE   Belgie Implemented   18 bře 2018 -
  • Act of 18 March 2018 amending various provisions of criminal law, criminal procedure and judicial law: 
    • Article 16: CIC, art. 524bis § 1, subparagraph 2 - special investigation of pecuniary benefits 
    • Article 21: PC, art. 43quater - extended confiscation of additional property benefits 
  • Subsequent internal technical adjustments that do not affect the substantive provisions of the above-mentioned directive 
    • Act of 28 November 2021 to make justice more humane, swifter and firmer, art. 13;
    • Act of 5 May 2019 containing various provisions on criminal matters and religious matters, and amending the Act of 28 May 2002 on euthanasia and the Social Penal Code, art. 69. 


BG   Bulharsko Implemented   -

Act on Recognition, Enforcement and Setting of Assets of Property or Evidence, Bulgarian Criminal Code and Bulgarian Criminal Procedure Code

CZ   Česká republika Implemented   -

National Implementing Measures provided to the European Commission

DK   Dánsko   - -

National Implementing Measures (NIM) have not been communicated to the European Commission

EE   Estonsko Implemented   -

National Implementing Measures provided to the European Commission

FI   Finsko Implemented   -

National Implementing Measures provided to the European Commission

FR   Francie Implemented   -

National Implementing Measures provided to the European Commission

HR   Chorvatsko Implemented   27 čvc 2017 -

Criminal Procedure Code 

IE   Irsko   - -

National Implementing Measures (NIM) have not been communicated to the European Commission

IT   Itálie Implemented   -

National Implementing Measures provided to the European Commission

CY   Kypr Implemented   -

National Implementing Measures provided to the European Commission

LT   Litva Implemented  



National Implementing Measures provided to the European Commission

LV   Lotyšsko Implemented   -

National Implementing Measures provided to the European Commission

LU   Lucembursko Implemented   -

National Implementing Measures provided to the European Commission

HU   Maďarsko Implemented   -

National Implementing Measures provided to the European Commission

MT   Malta Implemented   -

National Implementing Measures provided to the European Commission

DE   Německo Implemented   1 čvc 2017 -

National Implementing Measures (NIM) have not been communicated to the European Commission

Act of 13/04/2017, Federal Gazette – Bundesgesetzblatt 2017 I, 872 - Gesetz zur Reform der strafrechtlichen Vermögensabschöpfung

NL   Nizozemsko Implemented   -

National Implementing Measures provided to the European Commission

PL   Polsko Implemented   -

National Implementing Measures provided to the European Commission

PT   Portugalsko Implemented   -

National Implementing Measures (NIM) provided to the European Commission: Law 30/2017, 30 of May

AT   Rakousko Implemented   -

National Implementing Measures provided to the European Commission

GR   Recko   - -

National Implementing Measures (NIM) have not been communicated to the European Commission

RO   Rumunsko Implemented   -

National Implementing Measures provided to the European Commission

SK   Slovensko Implemented   1 led 2017 -



SI   Slovinsko Implemented   -

National Implementing Measures provided to the European Commission

UK   Third Country: United Kingdom   - -

National Implementing Measures (NIM) have not been communicated to the European Commission

ES   Španělsko Implemented   -

National Implementing Measures provided to the European Commission

SE   Švédsko Implemented   -

National Implementing Measures provided to the European Commission

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