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Status of implementation of

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Last reviewed on 20 říjen 2022 by Sekretariát EJS
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StátEntry into forceCountry NotificationRelated National legislationAdditional Information
BE   Belgie Implemented   24 kvě 2014

Notification on the implementation of the ECRIS FD by Belgium. Pdf

Articles 589 to 597 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, as amended by the law of 25 April 2014 (Belgian Official  Gazette on 14 May 2014)

BG   Bulharsko Implemented   ---
CZ   Česká republika Implemented   -

Act No. 269/1994 Coll., on Criminal Register (in consolidated version), Act No. 141/1961 Coll., the Criminal Proceedings Code (in consolidated version), Act No. 40/2009 Coll., the Criminal Code (in consolidated version), Act No.104/2013 Coll., on International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters and further Laws

DK   Dánsko Planned   process ongoing --

Following EUR-lex, Denmark has not yet transposed  the respective FD.

EE   Estonsko Implemented   27 dub 2012 ---
FI   Finsko Implemented   15 kvě 2012 -


FR   Francie Implemented   -

Loi n°2012-409 du 27 mars 2012 de programmation relative à l’exécution des peines et le Décret n° 2014-1422 du 28 novembre 2014 relatif au casier judiciaire national automatisé et aux échanges d'informations entre Etats membres de l'Union européenne

HR   Chorvatsko Implemented   1 čvc 2013 -

Law on Legal Consequences of Conviction, Rehabilitation and Criminal Records (Official Gazette 143/12)

IE   Irsko Implemented  

Notification on the implementation of the ECRIS Framework Decision by Ireland

Transposition measures are included in the Criminal Records Information System Bil.

IT   Itálie Implemented   4 čvn 2016 -

Decreto Legislativo of 12 May 2016, n. 74

CY   Kypr Implemented   8 říj 2010 -

Transposed with a decision of the Council of Ministers on 08.10.2010.

LT   Litva Implemented   ---
LV   Lotyšsko Implemented   ---
LU   Lucembursko Implemented   1 srp 2013 -

Loi du 29 mars 2013 relative à l’organisation du casier judiciaire et aux échanges d’informations extraites du casier judiciaire entre les Etats membres de l’Union européenne. Publication Mem. A 85 du 5 mai 2013

HU   Maďarsko Implemented  

Notification on the implementation of the ECRIS FD by Hungary

MT   Malta Implemented   29 dub 2016 -

Subsidiary Legislation 77.01:  ‘Organisation and Content of the Exchange of Information from the Criminal Record between Malta and Other States Regulations

DE   Německo Implemented   27 dub 2012

Notification on implementation of Framework Decision on the organisation and content of the exchange of information extracted from criminal record between Member States

Act of 15/12/2011, Federal Gazette - Bundesgesetzblatt I 2011, 2714 - Gesetz zur Verbesserung des Austauschs von strafregisterrechtlichen Daten zwischen den Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union und zur Änderung registerrechtlicher Vorschriften

NL   Nizozemsko Implemented   27 pro 2012 -

Article 32 and next of the “Besluit justitiële en strafvorderlijke gegevens”

PL   Polsko Implemented   1 led 2012 -

Amendment to the art. 12 Law on National Criminal Register

PT   Portugalsko Implemented   -

Law 37/2015 of 5 May

AT   Rakousko Implemented  

Designation of the Central Competent Authority for the ECRIS FD by Austria

GR   Recko Implemented   29 led 2016 -

Law 4360

RO   Rumunsko Implemented   10 pro 2016 -

Law no. 247/2016, published in the Official Journal no. 983 of 7 December 2016

SK   Slovensko Implemented   1 led 2008 -

Act no 330/2007 Coll. of 20/06/2007 on Criminal Record

SI   Slovinsko Implemented   20 zář 2013

Notification on the implementation of the ECRIS FD by Slovenia. Pdf

Act on International Co-operation in Criminal Matters between the Member States of the European Union adopted by the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia on 23rd May 2013

UK   Third Country: United Kingdom Implemented   ---
ES   Španělsko Implemented   -

Ley Orgánica 7/2014, de 12 de noviembre, sobre intercambio de información de antecedentes penales y consideración de resoluciones judiciales penales en la Unión Europea

SE   Švédsko Implemented   1 led 2013 ---
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