Biblioteca Judicial
Status of implementation of

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Last reviewed on 19 agosto 2021 by Secretariado de la RJE
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PaísEntry into forceCountry NotificationRelated National legislationAdditional Information
DE   Alemania Implemented   21 nov. 2015 -

Act of 20/11/2015, Federal Gazette – Bundesgesetzblatt 2015 I, 2025 - Gesetz zur Bekämpfung der Korruption

AT   Austria Implemented   ---
BE   Bélgica Implemented   ---
BG   Bulgaria Implemented   ---
CY   Chipre   - ---
HR   Croacia Implemented   -

Criminal code (Official Gazzette No 125/11, 144/12);
Act on the Responsibility of Legal Persons for Criminal Offences (Official Gazzette No 151/03, 110/07, 45/11, 143/12)

DK   Dinamarca Implemented   ---
SK   Eslovaquia Implemented   1 ene. 2006 -

Act No. 300/2005 Coll. of 20/05/2005, Criminal Code

SI   Eslovenia   - ---
ES   España Implemented   23 dic. 2010 -

Ley Orgánica 5/2010 de 22/6/2010 amending the Penal Code

EE   Estonia Implemented   ---
FI   Finlandia Implemented   22 jul. 2005 -

465/2005. The law can be found through Finlex using the numbers ( which is a national legal database

FR   Francia Implemented   ---
GR   Grecia Implemented   14 may. 2007 -

Law 3560-2007

HU   Hungría Implemented   ---
IE   Irlanda Implemented   -

Prevention of Corruption Acts 1889 - 2010

IT   Italia   - ---
LV   Letonia Implemented   -

Chapter I, II and VIII of General part of Criminal Law and in Chapter XIX of Special Part of Criminal Law

LT   Lituania Implemented   ---
LU   Luxemburgo Implemented   12 jun. 2005 -

Loi du 23 mai 2005 portant approbation: a) de la Convention établie sur la base de l'article K.3 du Traité sur l'Union européenne, relative à la lutte contre la corruption impliquant des fonctionnaires des Communautés européennes ou des fonctionnaires des Etats membres de l'Union européenne, signée à Bruxelles, le 26 mai 1997; b) du deuxième Protocole établi sur la base de l'article K.3 du Traité sur l'Union européenne, à la Convention relative à la protection des intérêts financiers des Communautés européennes, signé à Bruxelles, le 19 juin 1997; c) de la Convention pénale sur la corruption, signée à Strasbourg, le 27 janvier 1999; d) du Protocole additionnel à la Convention pénale sur la corruption, signé à Strasbourg, le 15 mai 2003; et modifiant et complétant certaines dispositions du Code pénal. Publication Mem. A 74 du 9 juin 2005

MT   Malta Implemented   14 may. 2004

Notification letter by Malta on the Framework Decision on Corruption in the private sector

Articles 112-127 Criminal Code, Cap.9

NL   Países Bajos Implemented   ---
PL   Polonia Implemented  

Notification letter by Poland on the Framework Decision on Corruption in the private sector

PT   Portugal Implemented   -

Law 20/2008 of 21 April

UK   Third Country: United Kingdom   - ---
CZ   República Checa Implemented   1 ene. 2012 -

Currently this problematic is covered mainly by the Criminal Code No. 40/2009 Coll. (entry into force on 1January 2010) and the Act on Criminal Liability of Legal Persons No. 418/2011 Coll.(entry into force on 1 January 2012)

RO   Rumanía Implemented   ---
SE   Suecia Implemented   1 ago. 2005 ---
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