Bibliotecă judiciară
Status of implementation of

For the practical application of this Legal Instrument, check the EJN Practical tools for judicial cooperation
Last reviewed on 8 februarie 2018 by Secretariatul RJE
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ŢaraEntry into forceCountry NotificationRelated National legislationAdditional Information
AT   Austria Implemented   --
BE   Belgia Implemented   ---
BG   Bulgaria Implemented   ---
CY   Cipru Implemented   -

The provisions of the specific FD are covered in existing legislation

HR   Croatia Implemented   15 dec. 2013 -

Criminal code (Official Gazzette No 125/11, 144/12), in force 01/01/2013;

Amendments of the Law on the Office for the Supression of Corruption and Organized Crime (Official Gazzette No 148/13), in force 15/12/2013;

Act on Confiscation Procedure for Pecuniary Gain Acquired by Criminal Offences and Misdemeanour  (Official Gazzette No 145/10).

DK   Danemarca Implemented   ---
EE   Estonia Implemented   ---
FI   Finlanda Implemented   -

Legislation already in place

FR   Franta Implemented   ---
DE   Germania Implemented   --

Art. 1 points 1 to 4 and Art. 3 of Framework Decision 2005/212/JI are replaced by Art. 14 of Directive 2014/42/EU

GR   Grecia Implemented   ---
IE   Irlanda Implemented   -

Criminal Justice Act 1994 and the Proceeds of Crime Acts 1996 and 2005.

IT   Italia Planned   process ongoing ---
LV   Letonia Implemented   ---
LT   Lituania Implemented   ---
LU   Luxemburg Planned   process ongoing -

Projet de loi en cours d'élaboration. La transposition se fera ensemble avec la Directive du 14 mars 2014 adoptée par le Conseil en matière de gel et de confiscation des produits du crime dans l’Union européenne, qui remplace partiellement la D-C

MT   Malta Implemented  

Notification by Malta of the implementation of the Framework Decision on Confiscation of Crime-related Proceeds

Articles 23-23C of Criminal Code

NL   Olanda Implemented   ---
PL   Polonia Implemented   5 feb. 2009 -

New Chapters added to the Criminal Procedure Code – 66c and 66d

PT   Portugalia Implemented   -
  • Law 5/2002 of 11 February
  • Penal Code
UK   Third Country: United Kingdom   - ---
CZ   Republica Ceha Implemented   1 iul. 2006 -

Act No. 40/2009 Coll., the Criminal Code (in consolidated version), Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code (in consolidated version), Act No. 218/2003 Coll., on Juvenile Justice (in consolidated version), Act No. 141/1961 Coll., the Criminal Proceedings Code (in consolidated version) and further Laws

RO   România Implemented   ---
SK   Slovacia Implemented   1 sept. 2010 -

Law No. 224/2010

SI   Slovenia Implemented   ---
ES   Spania Implemented   23 dec. 2010 -

Ley Orgánica 5/2010, de 22 de junio, por la que se modifica la Ley Orgánica 10/1995, de 23 de noviembre, del Código Penal

SE   Suedia Implemented   1 iul. 2008 ---
HU   Ungaria Implemented   ---
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