Bibliothèque judiciaire
Status of implementation of

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Last reviewed on 19 août 2021 by Secrétariat du RJE
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PaysEntry into forceCountry NotificationRelated National legislationAdditional Information
DE   Allemagne Implemented   22 juil. 2012 -

Act of 21/07/2012, Federal Gazette – Bundesgesetzblatt 2012 I, 1566 - Gesetz über die Vereinfachung des Austauschs von Informationen und Erkenntnissen zwischen den Strafverfolgungsbehörden der Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union

AT   Autriche Implemented   ---
BE   Belgique Implemented   -

Loi sur la transmission policière internationale de données à caractère personnel et d’informations à finalité judiciaire, l'entraide judiciaire internationale en matière pénale et modifiant l'article 90ter du CIC, telle que modifié par la loi du 15/05/14

BG   Bulgarie Implemented   ---
CY   Chypre Implemented   -

Transposed with a decision of the Council of Ministers on 31.05.2007

HR   Croatie Implemented   ---
DK   Danemark Implemented   ---
ES   Espagne Implemented  

Implementation of Framework Decision on simplifying the exchange of information and intelligence. Declarations by Spain under art. 2. a) and 6.1

Ley 31/2010, de 27 de julio, sobre simplificación del intercambio de información e inteligencia en la UE

EE   Estonie Implemented   1 janv. 2015

Amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code, mainly to the Chapter 19

FI   Finlande Implemented   12 févr. 2009


FR   France Implemented   ---
GR   Grèce Implemented   ---
HU   Hongrie Implemented  

Implementation of Framework Decision on simplifying the exchange of information and intelligence. Declaration by Hungary under art. 2. a)

IE   Irlande Implemented   ---
IT   Italie Implemented   24 mai 2015 -

Decreto Legislativo 23 aprile 2015, n. 54

LV   Lettonie Implemented   ---
LT   Lituanie Implemented  

Lithuanian notification concerning bilateral agreements that we will apply for the exchange of information

LU   Luxembourg Implemented  

Notification doc. 11314/08

MT   Malta Implemented   18 déc. 2006 -

Regulation 9, Data Protection (Processing of Personal Data in the Police Sector) Regulations, S.L. 440.05 and Articles 117, 117A u 117B of the Police Act (Cap.164)

NL   Pays-Bas Implemented   ---
PL   Pologne Implemented   1 janv. 2012 -

Law on exchange of information between law enforcement agencies of the European Union member states 

PT   Portugal Implemented   -

Law 74/2009 of 18 December

CZ   République Tchèque Implemented   ---
RO   Roumanie Implemented  

Implementation of Framework Decision on simplifying the exchange of information and intelligence. Declarations by Romania under art. 2. a) and 6.1

UK   Third Country: United Kingdom Implemented   ---
SK   Slovaquie Implemented   15 déc. 2008 -

Act no 301/2005 Coll. of 24/05/2005, Code of Criminal Procedure as amended by the Act no 491/2008 Coll.

SI   Slovenie Implemented   ---
SE   Suède Implemented   1 févr. 2009 ---
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