Bibliothèque judiciaire
Status of implementation of

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Last reviewed on 10 juillet 2019 by Tools Correspondent
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PaysEntry into forceCountry NotificationRelated National legislationAdditional Information
DE   Allemagne Implemented   28 déc. 2003

See MNE(2015) 57122

Act of 22/12/2003, Federal Gazette 2003 I, 2838 – Fünfunddreißigstes Strafrechtsänderungsgesetz zur Umsetzung des Rahmenbeschlusses des Rates der Europäischen Union vom 28. Mai 2001 zur Bekämpfung von Betrug und Fälschung im Zusammenhang mit unbaren Zahlungsmitteln (35. StrÄndG)

AT   Autriche Implemented   ---
BE   Belgique Implemented   ---
BG   Bulgarie Planned   process ongoing --

Following EUR-Lex, this FD has been transposed by Bulgaria with 2 measures. The most recent one was 2015-03-31.

CY   Chypre Implemented   ---
HR   Croatie Implemented   -

Criminal Code (Official Gazzette No 125/11, 144/12);
Act on the Responsibility of Legal Persons for Criminal Offences (Official Gazzette No151/03, 110/07, 45/11, 143/12)

DK   Danemark Implemented  

Notification by Denmark under art. 9. 3 of the Framework Decision on Combating fraud and counterfeiting of non-cash means of payment

ES   Espagne Implemented   1 oct. 2004 -

Ley Orgánica 15/2003 de 25 de noviembre, amending the Penal Code (art.386)

EE   Estonie Implemented   ---
FI   Finlande Implemented   ---
FR   France Implemented   ---
GR   Grèce Planned   process ongoing --

Partial implementation

HU   Hongrie Implemented   ---
IE   Irlande Implemented   -

Criminal Justice (Theft and Fraud Offences) Act 2001

IT   Italie Implemented   -

Partly implemented by law No. 56 of 20.2.2004 introducing urgent measures to limit the use of cash and bearer securities in transactions and prevent the use of the financial system for money laundering purposes.

LV   Lettonie Implemented   ---
LT   Lituanie Implemented   ---
LU   Luxembourg Implemented   27 nov. 2006 -

Loi du 10 novembre 2006 concernant la contrefaçon des moyens de paiement autres que les espèces et portant modification de certaines dispositions du code pénal.
Publication Mem. A n° 198 du 23 novembre 2006

MT   Malta Implemented   -

Articles 41, 42, 83C, 121D, 183-189A, 293, 294, 308-310BA, 337B-337D, Criminal Code (Cap.9).

NL   Pays-Bas Implemented   ---
PL   Pologne Implemented   ---
PT   Portugal Implemented   -
  • Law 59/2007 of 4 September
  • Penal Code
  • Procedural Penal Code
CZ   République Tchèque Implemented   1 janv. 2012 -

Currently this problematic is covered mainly by the Criminal Code no. 40/2009 (entry into force on 1 January 2010) and the Act on criminal liability of legal persons no. 418/2011 (entry into force on 1 January 2012)

RO   Roumanie Implemented   -

Criminal Code

UK   Third Country: United Kingdom   - ---
SK   Slovaquie Implemented   1 janv. 2006 -

Act No. 300/2005 Coll. of 20/05/2005, Criminal Code

SI   Slovenie   - ---
SE   Suède Implemented   1 juil. 2003 ---
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