Judicial Library
Status of implementation of

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Last reviewed on 29 Marzu 2023 by EJN Secretariat
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CountryEntry into forceCountry NotificationRelated National legislationAdditional Information
CY   Cipru Implemented   25 Lul 2018 -

Ratification Laws 110(I)/2018 and Law 111(I)/2018

FR   Franza Implemented   -

Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure and Civil Code; Principles with constitutional value and principle deriving from France's contractual obligations: the Declaration of the Rights of the Man and of the Citizen; the European Convention on Human Rights.

DK   Id-Danimarka   - ---
BE   Il-Belgju   - ---
BG   Il-Bulgarija Implemented   -

Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria (Article 31, para 3); the Criminal Procedure Code; the Criminal Code; the Ministry of interior Act; the Judiciary system Act; the Act on the Liability for Damage Incurred by the State and the Municipalities; the Obligations and Contracts Act; the Implementation of Penal Sanctions and Detention in Custody Act.

FI   Il-Finlandja Implemented   ---
DE   Il-Germanja Implemented   18 Diċ 2018 -

Gesetz zur Stärkung des Rechts des Angeklagten in der Verhandlung vom 17.12.2018 (BGBl. I, 2571 ff.) 

GR   Il-Grecja   - ---
HR   il-Kroazja Implemented   1 Jan 2020 -

Criminal Procedure Code

LV   Il-Latvja Implemented   -

Amendments to the Criminal Procedure Law

LT   Il-Litwanja Implemented   13 Lul 2018 ---
LU   Il-Lussemburgu   - ---
PL   Il-Polonja Implemented   ---
PT   Il-Portugall Implemented   -

Constitution of the Portuguese Republic

Criminal Code

UK   Third Country: United Kingdom   - ---
CZ   Ir-Repubblika Ceka Implemented   -

Act No. 141/1961 Coll., theCriminal Proceedings Code (in consolidated version), Resolution 2/1993 Coll., Charter on Fundamental Rights and Freedoms Act No. 40/2009 Coll., the Criminal Code (in consolidated version) Act No. 273/2008 Coll., on the Police of the Czech Republic (in consolidated version) and further Laws

RO   Ir-Rumanija Implemented   5 Diċ 2017 -

Criminal Proceedings Code

Law 236/2017 supplementing and amending Law 302/2004 on international judicial cooperation in criminal matters

SK   Is-Slovakkja Implemented   15 Ott 2017 -


SI   Is-Slovenja Implemented   ---
AT   L-Awstrija Implemented   11 Diċ 2021 ---
EE   L-Estonja Implemented   3 Apr 2018 -

Code of Criminal Procedure

Compensation for Damage Caused in Offence Proceedings Act

Code of Misdemeanour Procedure

IE   L-Irlanda   - ---
IT   L-Italja Implemented   14 Diċ 2021 -

Legislative decree 8.11.2021 n. 188.

SE   L-Izvezja Implemented   1 Apr 2018 -

Code of Judicial Procedure and the Ordinance on Preliminary Investigation

NL   L-Olanda Implemented   29 Mar 2018 -

Code of criminal procedure

HU   L-Ungerija Implemented   -

National transposition measures provided to the European Commission

MT   Malta Implemented   20 Lul 2018 -

Act No. XXXII of 2018 amending Criminal Code and the Drug Dependence (Treatment not Imprisonment) Act

ES   Spanja Implemented   7 Nov 2016 ---
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