Judicial Library
Status of implementation of

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Last reviewed on 19 Awwissu 2021 by EJN Secretariat
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CountryEntry into forceCountry NotificationRelated National legislationAdditional Information
CY   Cipru Implemented   ---
FR   Franza Implemented   ---
DK   Id-Danimarka Implemented   ---
BE   Il-Belgju Implemented   ---
BG   Il-Bulgarija Implemented   ---
FI   Il-Finlandja   - --

This measure has been repealed by Directive 2012/29/EU.

DE   Il-Germanja Implemented   1 Set 2004

Notification of 5 March 2015, see MNE (2015) 51295

Act of 24/06/2004, Federal Gazette 2004 I, 1354 – Gesetz zur Verbesserung der Rechte von Verletzten im Strafverfahren (Opferrechtsreformgesetz – OpferRRG)

Act of 29/07/2009, Federal Gazette 2009 I, 2280 – Gesetz zur Stärkung der Rechte von Verletzten und Zeugen im Strafverfahren (2. Opferrechtsreformgesetz – 2. OpferRRG)

Replaced by 2012/29/EU: Directive establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime of 25 October 2012, and replacing Council Framework Decision 2001/220/JHA

GR   Il-Grecja Implemented   23 Ġun 2017 -

Law 4478/2017

HR   il-Kroazja Implemented   1 Lul 2013 -

Criminal Procedure Act (Official Gazzette No 152/08, 76/09, 80/11, 121/11, 91/12, 143/12, 56/13, 145/13, 152/14);

Amendments of the Law on the Execution of Prison Sentence (Official Gazzette No 83/09). In force 01/01/2010;

Juvenile Courts Act (Official Gazzette No 84/11). In force 01/09/2011;

Act on Financial Compensation to the Victims of Criminal Act (Official Gazzette No 80/08, 27/11). In force 01/07/2013

LV   Il-Latvja Implemented   -

Framework Decision replaced by Directive 2012/29/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime, and replacing Council Framework Decision 2001/220/JHA. Mentioned Directive is necessary to be implemented in Criminal Procedure Law, Law On The Sentence Execution Code of Latvia and in Protection of the Rights of the Child Law. Deadline for transposition of the Directive: 16th November 2015

LT   Il-Litwanja Implemented   ---
LU   Il-Lussemburgu Implemented   1 Jan 2010 -

Loi du 6 octobre 2009 renforçant le droit des victimes d’infractions pénales… Publication Mem. A n° 206 du 19 octobre 2009

PL   Il-Polonja Implemented   ---
PT   Il-Portugall Implemented   -

Framework Decision replaced by Directive 2012/29/EU, implemented by:

  • Law 130/2015 of 4 September
  • Procedural Penal Code
UK   Third Country: United Kingdom Implemented   ---
CZ   Ir-Repubblika Ceka Implemented   1 Aww 2013 -

The legislation changed and currently the problematic is covered by the Act on victim´s of crime came into force partly on 25 February 2013, 1 April 2013, 1 May 2013 and the rest on 1 August 2013.

RO   Ir-Rumanija Implemented   ---
SK   Is-Slovakkja Implemented   1 Jan 2006 -

Act no 301/2005 Coll. of 24/05/2005, Code of Criminal Procedure.

SI   Is-Slovenja   - ---
AT   L-Awstrija Implemented   ---
EE   L-Estonja Implemented   ---
IE   L-Irlanda Implemented   -

Implemented according to the MNE database

IT   L-Italja Planned   process ongoing ---
SE   L-Izvezja Implemented   ---
NL   L-Olanda Implemented   ---
HU   L-Ungerija Implemented   ---
MT   Malta Implemented   -

Criminal Code, Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme Regulations. S.L. 9.12 which transposes Council Directive 2004/80/EC relating to

compensation to crime victims (which replaces this Framework Decision), Criminal Code

ES   Spanja Implemented   ---
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