Judicial Library
Status of implementation of

For the practical application of this Legal Instrument, check the EJN Practical tools for judicial cooperation
Last reviewed on 19 Awwissu 2021 by EJN Secretariat
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CountryEntry into forceCountry NotificationRelated National legislationAdditional Information
CY   Cipru Implemented   ---
FR   Franza Implemented   ---
DK   Id-Danimarka Implemented   ---
BE   Il-Belgju Implemented   ---
BG   Il-Bulgarija Implemented   ---
FI   Il-Finlandja Implemented   -

Legislation already in place

DE   Il-Germanja Implemented   5 Lul 2001 ---
GR   Il-Grecja Implemented   13 Diċ 2005 -

Law 2331-1995, amended by 249-1997, 2515-1996 and 3424-2005

HR   il-Kroazja Implemented   1 Jan 2013 -

Criminal Code (Official Gazzette No 125/11, 144/12);
Act on Confiscation Procedure for Pecuniary Gain Acquired by Criminal Offences and Misdemeanour  (Official Gazzette No 145/10)

LV   Il-Latvja Implemented   ---
LT   Il-Litwanja Implemented   ---
LU   Il-Lussemburgu Implemented   26 Lul 2008 -

Loi du 17 juillet 2008 relative à la lutte contre le blanchiment et contre le financement du terrorisme. Publication Mem. A n° 106 du 23 juillet 2008.

PL   Il-Polonja Implemented   ---
PT   Il-Portugall Implemented   -
  • Law 25/2008 of 4 September
  • Penal Code
  • Procedural Penal Code
UK   Third Country: United Kingdom Implemented   ---
CZ   Ir-Repubblika Ceka Implemented   -

Act No. 104/2013 Coll. of 20 March 2013 on International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters

RO   Ir-Rumanija Implemented   ---
SK   Is-Slovakkja Implemented   1 Jan 2006 -

Act No. 300/2005 Coll. of 20/05/2005, Criminal Code

SI   Is-Slovenja Implemented   ---
AT   L-Awstrija Implemented   ---
EE   L-Estonja Implemented   ---
IE   L-Irlanda Implemented   -

Criminal Justice Act 1994

IT   L-Italja Implemented   ---
SE   L-Izvezja Implemented   1 Lul 2005 -

Amendments to the Swedish Penal Code Chapter 36 (law 2005:283)

NL   L-Olanda Implemented   ---
HU   L-Ungerija Implemented   ---
MT   Malta Implemented   14 Mej 2004 -

Prevention of Money Laundering Act Cap 373, ACT XIX of 1994 as amended by: Act II of 1998; Legal Notice 71 of 1999; Acts XXXI of 2001, III of 2002, and III and XIII of 2004

ES   Spanja Implemented   -

Ley Orgánica 15/2003 de 25 de noviembre, por la que se modifica la Ley Orgánica 10/1995, de 23 de noviembre, del Código Penal

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