Organisation of the judicial system

Judicial cooperation

General description of the national system for international judicial cooperation in criminal matters

In Latvia there are three central authorities who are competent for receiving the requests for judicial cooperation in criminal matters:

1) during the investigation stage - the Ministry of Interior

2) during the pre-trial stage - General Prosecutor's Office

3) during the trial stage - the Ministry of Justice


Text in original language, English and/or other available languages of the relevant national laws/provisions of the Criminal procedure codes on judicial cooperation in criminal matters

Links to some sections of the EJN website

Links to the relevant sections of the Council of Europe and United Nations Treaties Offices websites containing information on the conventions to which Latvia is party

National case law relevant for judicial cooperation in criminal matters

Information on the organisation of the EJN

In Latvia there are eight Contact Points from three central authorities which are dealing with the internation cooperation in criminal matters during the investigation stage, pre-trial stage and trial stage.

There is one National Correspondent, who is the lawyer of the Department of International Cooperation in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Latvia.

There are two Contact Points who are lawyers of the Department of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Justice. The National and also Tool Correspondent is one of the two lawyers from this department.

There are three Contact Points from the General Prosecutor’s Office and two Contact Points from the International Cooperation Beraeu of the State Police of the Republic of Latvia.

Additional information about the EJN on the web page of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Latvia:

Also information about the EJN role und functions  regulary is provided by competent expert (contactpoint) during trainings.

Useful national links