• EAW: fourth CJEU’s ruling interpreting Article 4(6) of the Framework Decision 2002/584/JHA  regardin...

    EAW: fourth CJEU’s ruling interpreting Article 4(6) of the Framework Decision 2002/584/JHA regarding surrender of own national or residents of the Executing Member State sought by the Issuing Member State to serve a custodial sentence or detention order

    The CJEU clarified the margin of discretion that Member States have in transposing the provisions of Article 4(6) of the Framework Decision on the European Arrest Warrant and the surrender procedures between Member States

    11.08.2017 · Legislation
  • 48th Plenary of the European Judicial Network, 29 to 30 June - Valletta, Malta

    48th Plenary of the European Judicial Network, 29 to 30 June - Valletta, Malta

    The 48th Plenary of the European Judicial Network took place from 29 to 30 June in Valletta under the Maltese Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

    04.07.2017 · EJN
  • EJN National Meeting in Lithuania

    EJN National Meeting in Lithuania

    On 16 May 2017, the 1st national meeting of the European Judicial Network Contact Points took place in Vilnius, Lithuania. The meeting was organised by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Lithuania with financial support from the EJN budget.

    03.07.2017 · EJN
  • Conference on EAW in Amsterdam

    Conference on EAW in Amsterdam

    On 14 June 2017 the Centre for International Legal Assistance Amsterdam organised a conference on the topic of the EAW.

    23.06.2017 · General
  • The 18th Annual Meeting of the
German EJN-contact points and 6th Annual Berlin Regional EJN-Meeting

    The 18th Annual Meeting of the German EJN-contact points and 6th Annual Berlin Regional EJN-Meeting

    The 18th Annual Meeting of the German EJN Contact Points and 6th Annual EJN Regional Meeting in Berlin on May 9th, 2016 dealt with practical and legal problems concerning the implementation of the Directive 2013/48/EU of 22 October 2013 on the right of access to a lawyer in criminal proceedings and in European arrest warrant proceedings.

    09.06.2017 · EJN
  • EJN regional meeting in Latvia

    EJN regional meeting in Latvia

    On 10 May 2017, a regional meeting of the European Judicial Network (EJN) took place in Riga.

    24.05.2017 · EJN
  • The EIO Directive entered into force in four EU Member States

    The EIO Directive entered into force in four EU Member States

    The Directive 2014/41/EU regarding the European Investigation Order in criminal matters entered into force for five Member States of the European Union which have transposed it in time and are ready to apply this new legal instrument in practice.

    23.05.2017 · Legislation
  • First issue 2017 of the Eucrim Journal is online

    First issue 2017 of the Eucrim Journal is online

    The first issue 2017 of the Eucrim Journal is now available online.

    18.05.2017 · Partners
  • Scheduled downtime EJN site due maintenances

    Scheduled downtime EJN site due maintenances

    Due to maintenance in preparation for the move to the new Eurojust premises, the EJN website will not be available on 13 and 14 May 2017.

    11.05.2017 · EJN
  • New CJEU judgment on the interpretation of the ne bis in idem principle

    New CJEU judgment on the interpretation of the ne bis in idem principle

    The question referred to the CJEU was whether national legislation which makes it possible to combine tax penalties and criminal penalties with respect to the same act or omission – consisting of non-payment of VAT –, is compatible with Article 50 of the Charter, in conjunction with Article 4 of Protocol No. 7 to the European Convention on Human Rights?

    10.05.2017 · Legislation
  • CJEU ruling on the right to information in criminal proceedings

    CJEU ruling on the right to information in criminal proceedings

    The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) was asked to interpret Article 2, Article 3(1)(c), and Article 6(1) and (3) of Directive 2012/13/EU on the right to information in criminal proceedings. In this judgment, the CJEU reaffirms the Covaci judgement by stressing that the procedures cannot undermine the objective of the Directive and in the safeguarding of the fairness of the proceedings.

    10.05.2017 · Legislation
  • New CJEU judgment on the interpretation of the ne bis in idem principle

    New CJEU judgment on the interpretation of the ne bis in idem principle

    The question referred to the CJEU was whether national legislation which makes it possible to combine tax penalties and criminal penalties with respect to the same act or omission – consisting of non-payment of VAT –, is compatible with Article 50 of the Charter, in conjunction with Article 4 of Protocol No. 7 to the European Convention on Human Rights?

    10.05.2017 · Legislation
  • 13th JITs Experts Network meeting

    13th JITs Experts Network meeting

    On 17 and 18 May 2017 the 13th annual meeting of the Network of National Experts on Joint Investigation Teams (JITs Network) will take place in The Hague, at Eurojust’s premises.

    18.04.2017 · Partners
  • Scheduled downtime EJN site due maintenances

    Scheduled downtime EJN site due maintenances

    Due to maintenance in preparation for the move to the new Eurojust premises, the EJN website will not be available on 13 and 14 April 2017.

    10.04.2017 · EJN
  • EJTN webinar on the EIO

    EJTN webinar on the EIO

    EJTN launches its pilot webinar programme with two webinars in April 2017.

    04.04.2017 · Partners
  • Scheduled downtime EJN site

    Scheduled downtime EJN site

    Due to maintenance in preparation for the move to the new Eurojust premises, the EJN website will not be available on 1 and 2 April 2017.

    31.03.2017 · EJN