• EJN Regional Meeting 2023 in Madrid, Spain

    EJN Regional Meeting 2023 in Madrid, Spain

    On 31 May and 1 June, Spain, Portugal and Andorra took part in the Regional Meeting of the European Judicial Network to exchange experiences in the fight against transnational crimes.

    12.07.2023 · EJN
  • 23rd Working Meeting of the German Contact Points of the European Judicial Network and the 11th EJN ...

    23rd Working Meeting of the German Contact Points of the European Judicial Network and the 11th EJN Regional Meeting in Berlin on May 9, 2023

    The meeting dealt with the enforcement of foreign judgement regarding sanctions involving the deprivation of liberty apart from prison regime in the different member states.

    11.07.2023 · EJN
  • Meeting with Irish Minister of Justice in Dublin

    Meeting with Irish Minister of Justice in Dublin

    On Tuesday, 27 June, the Head of the EJN Secretariat, Hugh Dockry, met with the Minister for Justice of Ireland, Ms. Helen McEntee, and the Secretary General of the Department of Justice, Ms. Oonagh McPhillips.

    30.06.2023 · EJN
  • EJN Regional Meeting 2023 in Linz (Austria)

    EJN Regional Meeting 2023 in Linz (Austria)

    From 26 to 28 April 2023, the Regional Meeting of the European Judicial Network (EJN) on Digitalisation of Justice – Consequences for the International Cooperation and the Role of the EJN took place in Linz, Austria, organised by the Austrian Contact Points with the support of the EJN Secretariat.

    16.06.2023 · EJN
  • European Judicial Network celebrates 25 years, seeing rise in requests for day-to-day judicial coope...

    European Judicial Network celebrates 25 years, seeing rise in requests for day-to-day judicial cooperation

    The European Judicial Network (EJN) celebrates its 25th anniversary this year. The anniversary, together with key EU developments in the area of judicial cooperation, will be featured during the EJN plenary meeting in Stockholm being held between the 12th and 14th of June.

    12.06.2023 · EJN
  • First in-person South East Asia Justice Network (SEAJust) plenary meeting held in Seoul

    First in-person South East Asia Justice Network (SEAJust) plenary meeting held in Seoul

    Last week, Mr De La Mata and Mr Dockry attended the first in-person South East Asia Justice Network (SEAJust) plenary meeting in Seoul, Republic of South Korea, with a view of further strengthening the relationship and cooperation with Eurojust and the EJN.

    04.05.2023 · Partners
  • 5th meeting of the EJN Contact Points, EU Member States and the Western Balkans

    5th meeting of the EJN Contact Points, EU Member States and the Western Balkans

    On 12 April, the 5th meeting between the EJN Contact Points, EU Member States and the Western Balkans (WB), co-organised by the IPA2019 project, was organised in Budva, Montenegro.

    25.04.2023 · EJN
  • New EAW Judgment – Ground for refusal based on illness

    New EAW Judgment – Ground for refusal based on illness

    On 18 April 2023, the CJEU delivered a new judgment in a case C-699/21 where the person requested for surrender suffered from a psychotic disorder, which put him at a significant risk of committing suicide if surrendered and subsequently detained.

    20.04.2023 · Legislation
  • 22nd Tool Correspondents' meeting of the European Judicial Network (EJN)

    22nd Tool Correspondents' meeting of the European Judicial Network (EJN)

    The EJN Secretariat presented the new look of the redesigned Atlas, Fiches Belges and Compendium -the main e-tools of the EJN website- as well as the roadmap of the projects planned for implementation in 2023 and the related IT security and data protection requirements.

    30.03.2023 · EJN
  • 13th Legal English Language Training for EJN Contact Points on 22-24 February 2023

    13th Legal English Language Training for EJN Contact Points on 22-24 February 2023

    The training consisted of the combined classes on theoretical and practical use of the English language in the area of judicial cooperation. The central topic of the training was trafficking of the human beings and application of the European Investigation Order.

    01.03.2023 · EJN
  • Forms for the Mutual legal assistance available on the EJN website

    Forms for the Mutual legal assistance available on the EJN website

    The forms for the Mutual legal assistance applicable for cooperation with the United Kingdom under the Trade and Cooperation Agreement have been uploaded to the Judicial Library on the EJN website in MS Word document format in all EU languages.

    17.02.2023 · EJN
  • 44th Regular Meeting of the European Judicial Network in The Hague,16 February 2023

    44th Regular Meeting of the European Judicial Network in The Hague,16 February 2023

    On 16 February 2023 the 44th Regular Meeting of the EJN took place at Eurojust under the Swedish Presidency. The event gathered 60 participants from the EU Member States, as well as from Albania, Kosovo, Moldova, North Macedonia, Norway, Ukraine, Serbia, Switzerland and Turkey.

    17.02.2023 · EJN
  • Renewed e-tools on the EJN website

    Renewed e-tools on the EJN website

    On Thursday, 9 February 2023, the renewed e-tools – Atlas, Fiches Belges and Compendium – were launched on the EJN website. These tools are tailored to assist practitioners in drafting and sending requests for legal assistance.

    09.02.2023 · EJN
  • SEAJust year-end forum on asset recovery

    SEAJust year-end forum on asset recovery

    The Deputy Attorney General of Thailand and EJN Contact Point Mr Jumpun Phansumrit will be hosting together with Australian authorities and UNODC experts a seminar on Asset Recovery Cooperation.

    13.12.2022 · Partners
  • European Judicial Network recognised in the G7 Berlin Declaration

    European Judicial Network recognised in the G7 Berlin Declaration

    The focus of the meeting was on the dramatic events in Ukraine and on investigations into the crimes against international law committed there. The participants discussed how to coordinate investigation of the international crimes more effectively.

    06.12.2022 · EJN
  • 59th Plenary Meeting of the European Judicial Network, 9-11 November 2022, Prague, Czech Republic

    59th Plenary Meeting of the European Judicial Network, 9-11 November 2022, Prague, Czech Republic

    The 59th Plenary Meeting, which took place on 9-11 November 2022 in Prague with the participation of approximately 120 EJN Contact Points, was dedicated mainly to cross border surveillance and special investigative measures.

    22.11.2022 · EJN