• 24th Annual Meeting of the German EJN-contact points and the 12th Annual EJN Regional Meeting, in Be...

    24th Annual Meeting of the German EJN-contact points and the 12th Annual EJN Regional Meeting, in Berlin (Germany) on 21 April 2024

    Thanks to the funding by the EJN Secretariat, we were able to invite guests from Austria, Luxemburg, Poland, the Netherlands and Switzerland, who presented us a very informative and valuable overview of their legal systems and their experiences regarding the transfer of proceedings.

    02/07/2024 · EJN
  • Updated Joint EJN-Eurojust Compilation on Issuing and Executing authorities in EAW proceedings

    Updated Joint EJN-Eurojust Compilation on Issuing and Executing authorities in EAW proceedings

    In June 2024, the EJN and Eurojust issued a revised updated version of the Joint EJN-Eurojust Compilation on Issuing and Executing authorities in EAW proceedings, available on the EAW Section of the EJN website.

    02/07/2024 · EJN
  • Call for evidence for the evaluation of the Eurojust Regulation

    Call for evidence for the evaluation of the Eurojust Regulation

    14/06/2024 · EJN
  • UNODC-CASC and EUROJUST Workshop on JITs and EJN Cooperation Tools

    UNODC-CASC and EUROJUST Workshop on JITs and EJN Cooperation Tools

    From June 4 to 6, 2024, the EJN Secretariat had the honour of participating in a workshop on Joint Investigation Teams (JITs) and EJN Cooperation Tools.

    14/06/2024 · EJN
  • EJN Regional Meeting in Croatia

    EJN Regional Meeting in Croatia

    On 6 and 7 June 2024, the Republic of Croatia organised a Regional EJN Meeting for EJN Contact Points from neighbouring Member States and third States in Vukovar with the aim to exchange best practices and solve current problems in international cooperation in cases of transnational organised.

    14/06/2024 · EJN
  • 62nd Plenary Meeting of the EJN

    62nd Plenary Meeting of the EJN

    Under the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU, the 62nd Plenary Meeting of the European Judicial Network gathered approximately 125 EJN Contact Points in Antwerp from 10 to 12 June 2024.

    13/06/2024 · EJN
  • New EIO Judgement – conditions for the transmission and use of evidence in criminal cases with a cro...

    New EIO Judgement – conditions for the transmission and use of evidence in criminal cases with a cross-border dimension

    On 30 April 2024, the CJEU delivered a new judgement in a case C-670/2022, where the accused M.N., charged with drug trafficking before the Berlin Court, argued that the German authorities unlawfully received evidence from France and that this evidence cannot be used in the criminal proceedings against him.

    05/06/2024 · EJN
  • 85th meeting of the PC-OC

    85th meeting of the PC-OC

    From 14 to 16 May 2024, the PC-OC held its 85th meeting in Strasbourg. A draft Third Additional Protocol to the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters was discussed, including the possible accession of Thailand and Kazakhstan to this Convention.

    24/05/2024 · Partners
  • Symposium on Victims’ Rights

    Symposium on Victims’ Rights

    Isabelle De Tandt, Deputy Prosecutor General in charge of the national network for international cooperation in criminal matters and EJN Contact Point for Belgium, and Hugh Dockry, the Head of the EJN Secretariat, participated to a panel discussion at Eurojust’s symposium on Victims’ Rights in Europe.

    26/04/2024 · EJN
  • Updated EJN-Eurojust Joint paper

    Updated EJN-Eurojust Joint paper

    This Joint Paper was developed to inform judicial practitioners in the Members States of the services and assistance in international cooperation in criminal matters that can be provided by the European Judicial Network (EJN) and Eurojust.

    25/04/2024 · EJN
  • Visit of EL PAcCTO 2.0

    Visit of EL PAcCTO 2.0

    On Tuesday 16 April, Hugh Dockry and the EJN Secretariat received a delegation from EL PAcCTO 2.0, lead by Mr Javier Samper Orgiles.

    18/04/2024 · Partners
  • Study visit of Moldovian prosecutors

    Study visit of Moldovian prosecutors

    The EJN Secretariat had the opportunity to contribute to the study visit undertaken by Moldovan prosecutors to The Hague. Hosted at Eurojust premises on April 9th, this enlightening event brought together 18 dedicated participants eager to deepen their knowledge of international judicial processes and strengthen collaboration in combating transnational crime.

    12/04/2024 · EJN
  • EJN Language Training in Lublin (Poland)

    EJN Language Training in Lublin (Poland)

    On 10 and 11 April 2024, the EJN Secretariat and the Polish National Prosecutor’s Office organised the annual Legal English Language training for EJN Contact Points in the National School for the Judiciary and Prosecution Service in Lublin, Poland.

    11/04/2024 · EJN
  • EJN National Meeting in Paris (France)

    EJN National Meeting in Paris (France)

    On 9 April, the French Contact Points, together with Liaison Magistrates, the Eurojust National Member and a representative of the EJN Secretariat, met in Paris for the National Meeting, organised by the French Ministry of Justice and funded by the EJN.

    11/04/2024 · EJN
  • 23rd Tool Correspondents’ Meeting

    23rd Tool Correspondents’ Meeting

    On 4 April 2024, the 23rd Tool Correspondents’ meeting of the EJN, under the Belgian Presidency, took place at Eurojust premises. The EJN Tool Correspondents are appointed by the EU Member States to update the EJN website tools for their respective countries, reflecting the developments in the national law.

    04/04/2024 · EJN
  • FRA publishes "European Arrest Warrant: Respecting rights across borders” report

    FRA publishes "European Arrest Warrant: Respecting rights across borders” report

    The EU Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) publishes its report "European Arrest Warrant: Respecting rights across borders”.

    27/03/2024 · EJN