Plenary meetings of the European Judicial Network

Plenary meetings of the European Judicial Network in the Member States

Next meetings:

64th Plenary Meeting of the European Judicial Network under the Polish Presidency, 7-9 May 2025, Warsaw, Poland 

65th Plenary Meeting of the European Judicial Network under the Danish Presidency, 5-7 November 2025, Copenhagen, Denmark

Last meetings:

63rd Plenary Meeting of the European Judicial Network under the Hungarian Presidency, 6-8 November 2024, Budapest, Hungary

62nd Plenary Meeting of the European Judicial Network under the Belgium Presidency, 10-12 June 2024, Antwerpen, Belgium | [documents]

The EJN holds at least three Plenary meetings every year.

The purposes of the Plenary meetings shall be as follows:

- to allow contact points to get to know each other and share experience, particularly concerning the operation of the Network;

- to provide a forum for discussion of practical and legal problems encountered by the Member States in the context of judicial cooperation, in particular with regard to the implementation of measures adopted by the European Union.

Two of the Plenary meetings are organised in the Member State holding the Presidency of the Council (at the end of each semester). These meetings enable the Contact Points to meet representatives of authorities in the host Member State and to exchange experiences about judicial cooperation in criminal matters. To these Plenary meetings, at least three Contact Points per Member State, two Contact Points from the candidate and associated countries and from partner countries are invited, as well as observers.

Plenary meetings in The Hague - Regular meeting

Next meeting: 46th Regular meeting, 13 February 2025, The Hague

Last meeting: 45th Regular meeting, 29 February 2024, The Hague

Once a year (normally in February), the Plenary meeting is held at the premises of Eurojust in The Hague, the so called Regular meeting. Two EJN Contact Points are invited to the Regular meeting. The Regular meeting has a different objective and role in comparison to the two Plenary meetings organised in the Member States. It is devoted to practical and organisational matters of the EJN or new initiatives on judicial cooperation.

Meetings of the National Correspondents (NCM)

Next meeting: 17th National Correspondents Meeting (NCM), 9 October 2025, The Hague

Last meeting: 16th National Correspondents Meeting (NCM), 2 October 2024, The Hague 

The EJN National Correspondents responsible for the internal functioning of the Network, shall meet at least once a year. The objective of the NCM is to ensure a detailed examination and discussion of the activities of the EJN for the subsequent submission of proposals to the Plenary meeting of the EJN for final approval. The NCM is normally held in October, at the premises of Eurojust in The Hague.

Meetings of the Tool Correspondents (TCM)

Next meeting: 24th Tool Correspondents meeting, 27 March 2025, The Hague

Last meeting: 23nd Tool Correspondents meeting, 4 April 2024, The Hague

The European Judicial Network tool correspondents shall meet on an ad hoc basis, at least once a year and as its members deem appropriate. The aim of the TCM is to ensure that the information on the EJN website is provided and updated. The TCM is normally held in March, at the premises of Eurojust in The Hague.

EJN Regional and National meetings

Each year EJN Regional and National meetings are organised in the Member States. The overall aim of the meetings is to improve the functioning of the EJN Contact Points and judicial cooperation in general and to increase awareness of the EJN.

Regional meetings involve Contact Points from three or more Member States and focus on problems which have a particular regional character.

National meetings gather the Contact Points in one member State and representatives of the judiciary in the country, to discuss the activities and role of the EJN and to promote the use of the Network.

Click here regarding previous calls and grant procedure of the latest call for applications.

EJN Regional and National meetings in 2025

Applicant TOPIC OF THE MEETING Member States / Countries participating Meeting dates
GERMANY Cross-border exchange of information in criminal matters - challenge & best practice

Germany, Austria, France, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Poland, Switzerland, United Kingdom


5-6 May

National meeting


Portugal 8-9 May

Current Challenges in the application of the Mutual Recognition Principle in Financial Penalties and Probation Measures: Assessing the Effectiveness of Decentralization in Latvia.


Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania 6 June

Improved cooperation in cases concerning organized cross-border crime


Sweden, Denmark, Norway 10-11 June
FINLAND EJN National and regional meeting/Finland, Helsinki 10-11.6.2025: Cooperation between the participants (Baltic States) regarding application of EU instruments:
  • Further training of FI contact points in international cooperation and the role of the EJN contact points;
  • Enhancing the use of direct contacts and EJN in cases that do not fall in the duties of Eurojust.
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania 10-11 June
AUSTRIA Emerging Challenges of cross-border Investigations in the Fight against Cybercrime and the Role of the EJN.

Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Luxemburg, Hungary, Croatia, Slovak Republic, Poland, Romania, Switzerland, Liechtenstein


25-27 June

Inaugural Meeting of the Irish National Contact Points.


Ireland 26 June

Evidence gathering in a foreign state - specific issues related to the recording of monitored conversations of persons and the recovery of data from seized electronic devices.


Austria, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Switzerland 15-16 September

EJN National Meeting Belgium: mutual legal assistance with Spain and Latin-American countries.


Belgium, Spain 15-16 September

EJN Regional meeting from 17th to 19th September 2025 in Novo mesto, Slovenia.


Austria, Italy, Hungary, Croatia, Germany 17-19 September

National meeting of EJN Contact Points of Lithuania - the Role of EJN in Legal Cooperation: Turning Awareness into Action.


Lithuania 18 September

To strengthen cooperation with Sweden while applying EU-instruments with special focus on crimes committed aboard ferries operating between Finland and Sweden. The meeting also aims to strengthen the Finnish participants' professional identities as EJN contact points.


Finland, Sweden 22-23 September

National Meeting of the Dutch EJN Contact Points combined with the Belgian EJN Contact Points to discuss the topics: 1) EAW in combination with TROP request relating to juvenile offenders, 2) the new TROP Regulation and 3) the national procedure of an EIO and the temporary transfer of the seized documents/goods, best practices.


The Netherlands, Belgium 25-26 September

The annual meeting of the EJN French contact points.


France September

Illegal migrant smuggling, issues concerning jurisdiction, parallel criminal proceeding, extradition and surrender, transfer of sentenced persons.


Austria, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Romania, Serbia 8-10 October

EJN Regional and National meetings in 2024

Western Balkans and EU EJN CPs meetings

Next meeting: 8th Meeting of EJN Contact Points, EU and Western Balkans – 2025, 12 June, place to be confirmed

Last meeting: 7th Meeting of EJN Contact Points, EU and Western Balkans – 11-12 September 2024 in Skopje, North Macedonia

The aim of the meetings is to strengthen judicial cooperation between the EU and the Western Balkans and to support the functioning of the EJN in the Western Balkan area.

Meeting for the New Contact Points

Next meeting: 5th EJN meeting for the new Contact Points , 18 September 2025

Last meeting: online, on 26 January 2024

Language trainings for Contact Points

Next meeting: 15th Language training for the EJN Contact Points, 8-11 April 2025, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Last meeting: 14th Language training for the EJN Contact Points, 10-12 April 2024, Lublin, Poland

Guidelines on the EJN meetings