On 17 September 2021, the 13th National Correspondents Meeting of the European Judicial Network (EJN) took place under the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, gathering in the online environment 16 participants from the EU Member States and the representatives of the EJN Secretariat.
During the meeting, the National Correspondents shared the novelties and experience of their Member States regarding judicial cooperation, focusing the attention on the cooperation with the United Kingdom and on legislative changes related to the work of the EPPO. The participants also indicated that operational and practical difficulties caused by COVID-19 year ago are mostly over now and the judicial cooperation in criminal matters is going on as usual. They emphasized that the use of electronic means of communication, including videoconferences, still remains high. Apart from that, the National Correspondents provided information regarding the implementation of the eDES platform among their national authorities.
Moreover, the representatives of the EJN Secretariat presented the ongoing activities of the EJN, including:
• EJN Peer evaluation and steps taken to fulfil the recommendations provided by the EJN Contact Points;
• EJN Work Programmes for 2022 and 2023, including the possible activities for the 25th Anniversary of the EJN in 2023;
• EJN Reporting Tool and Guidelines for the reporting of the EJN activities;
• Updates on the EJN website, especially Atlas and Fiches Belges that are going to be implemented later;
• Updates of the EJN Secure Connection;
• Interconnections between the EJN and other networks and activities with non-EU Member States, especially focusing attention on the data protection rules in relation to third countries.