In the framework of the Justice Programme-funded project Trust and Action, which was dealing with the implementation of Fds 2008/947 and 2009/829 in Italy, Romania and Spain (, Guidelines for improving Judicial Cooperation were issued.
Two tables were drafted within the project summarising the national measures falling under the scope of the said judicial cooperation procedures. The tables are intended to allow the practitioner to check whether a rapid comparison can be made between the legal orders at issue and whether therefore there is at first glance room for issuing/executing a request under FDs 947 or 829.
The outcome of the work of the project can be of help to the relevant national authorities. Please consult the file below for the outcome of the project.
'Guidelines for improving judicial cooperation between Italy, Romania and Spain in the areas covered by Framework Decision 2008/947/JHA and Framework Decision 2009/829/JHA' including the abovementioned tables.