On 29 February 2024 the EJN held the 45th EJN Regular meeting in The Hague, chaired by the Belgian EJN Presidency. Approximately 50 EJN Contact Points from the EU and EU candidate/associated countries attended the meeting and exchanged information on latest developments in their national legal framework and case-law related to international judicial cooperation.
The EJN Secretariat provided an update on, i.a., projects related to EAW, Victims’ Rights and E-evidence as well as the new developments on the EJN website and the planning for the next website-related projects. The participants discussed the involvement of the EJN in the legislative process in relation to transfer proceedings and victim’s rights.
The meeting was preceded by the EJN Presidency Board meeting as well as the kick off meeting of the EJN WG on the Future of the EJN.