On 4 April 2024, the 23rd Tool Correspondents’ meeting of the EJN, under the Belgian Presidency, took place at Eurojust premises. The EJN Tool Correspondents are appointed by the EU Member States to update the EJN website tools for their respective countries, reflecting the developments in the national law.
During the meeting, the EJN Secretariat presented the state of play on the EJN website developments and the roadmap of the projects planned for implementation in 2024-2025 as well the new EJN Reporting Tool, facilitating the collection of data and the reporting of EJN cases.
The Tool Correspondents provided updates on the amendments they had made to the website in the e-tools (Atlas, Fiches Belges…) regarding their countries and they discussed additional requirements for the EJN website. In the practical session of the meeting, they solved issues they encountered in the back-office of the EJN website and directly updated the information in the tools. The meeting provided an excellent opportunity for feedback from the Tool Correspondents to the EJN Secretariat.