The 63rd Plenary Meeting of the European Judicial Network under the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the EU, attended by 130 Contact Points, took place in Budapest from 6 to 8 November 2024.

The meeting was opened by Mr Zoltán Tóth, State Secretary, Mr Pétr Polt, Prosecutor General, Mr György Barna Senyei, President of the National Office of the Judiciary, Mr Peter Csonka, Deputy Director DG Justice of the EU Commission, in the spirit of international judicial cooperation and recognition for the continuous assistance between national judicial authorities. EJN was said to be a unique structure within the EU with a global reach. EJN’s added value for policy work was recognised by the Commission, who welcomes strongly feedback from practitioners on what works and what doesn’t.
Mrs Tünde Forman, Head of Department of the Hungarian Ministry of Justice and EJN National Correspondent, and Hugh Dockry, Secretary to the EJN and Head of the EJN Secretariat, chaired the meeting.
With representatives of the EJN Contact Points and the Council of the EU, a panel discussion took place on the implementation of the European Investigation Order (EIO) further to the 10th Round of Mutual Evaluations.
After, in three parallel workshops, the EJN Contact Points focused on the implementation of the EIO, on practical issues and experiences regarding transfer of criminal proceedings and on extradition with third countries. The conclusions of these workshops, which include solutions, best practices and proposals for improvement, will be will be presented to COPEN.
In addition, EJN Contact Points, EJN Partners, EU Institutions and EU Agencies shared their novelties on international judicial cooperation.