Under Section 8 (2) of the Czech Penal Procedural Code it is possible to ask for banking information (including information from a record of securities) if it is necessary in the course of criminal proceedings for proper clarification of circumstances suggesting that a criminal offence has been committed, or in the court proceedings also for the purpose of considering the defendant's asset relations or of execution of a decision. It is also possible to order a monitoring of a bank account or an account at the Centre for Securities under the same conditions.
Section 8 (2): If the criminal proceedings require a proper investigation of the circumstances suggesting that a criminal offence has been committed or to assess the circumstances of the accused during court proceedings or for the enforcement of a decision, the public prosecutor and, after the indictment or a punishment petition, the presiding judge may request information that is subject to banking secrecy and data from the security register. In criminal proceedings conducted on a criminal act described in Section 180 of the Criminal Code, the law enforcement authority may request individual data obtained under a special Act for statistical purposes during the criminal proceedings. The conditions under which the law enforcement authority may require the data obtained in the administration of taxes are stipulated under a special Act. Data obtained under this provision may not be used for a purpose other than the criminal proceedings for which such data was requested.
Section 8 (3): For the reasons as stated in Subsection 2, the presiding judge may, and upon the proposal of the public prosecutor during a preliminary hearing, order the surveillance of the bank accounts or accounts of persons entitled to the records of investment instruments under a special Act for a maximum period of six months. If the reason for which the surveillance of an account was ordered exceeds this time, it may be extended upon the order of a judge from a court of higher instance and, during preliminary hearing, upon the proposal of the public prosecutor of the County Court judge for a further six months, and such prolongation can be performed repeatedly. Information obtained under this provision may not be used for a purpose other than the criminal proceedings for which it was obtained.