-In MLA cases concerning interception of telecommunication Sweden demands dual criminality. The submission should contain a short description of relevant circumstances, including the suspected crime, the identity of the suspect, what punishments could be expected for the crime, why there is reason to suspect the particular person of having committed the crime, how the telecommunication addresses were identified, for how long the measure is needed, and why the measure is necessary.
-The same rules apply whether the actual interception is done by the police or agencies in Sweden or abroad.
- Swedish law complies the authorities to inform persons after having been subject to interception etc unless there are specific reasons not to.
-Tracing of telecommunications can only be decided for one month at a time but can be renewed, provided there is reason for prolonging. It is also possible to receive historical data, providing the service providers have stored data. The data retention time limits vary (2, 6 or 10 months) depending on the type of data (location, transition etc), see A 53. Direct transmittance of the material is legally possible, otherwise it will be transmitted in digital form by e-mail, DVD-recording or USB-sticks.
- After surrender of the materials any copies left in Sweden will be destroyed.