Measure Implementation

Is this measure possible in your Member State under International Judicial Cooperation?

The legal definition of an “undercover agent” is given in Article 10c of the Special Intelligence Means Act. According to this text, such an agent is a person from the competent services under the Special Intelligence Means Act, the Ministry of Interior Act, the Defence and Armed Forces of the Republic of Bulgaria Act, the Military Intelligence Act or from the State Intelligence Agency, as well as from the State Agency for National Security. This person is authorised to establish or maintain contacts with a controlled person in order to receive or disclose information for the commission of a grave malicious criminal offence or for the organisation of the criminal activity. The services are specified in Article 20 of the Special Intelligence Means Act. Pursuant to Article 34k, in the cases referred to in Article 34i*, special intelligence means can be provided and applied by competent authorities of a foreign state. Pursuant to Article 34k, Paragraph 2, a foreign undercover agent shall have the powers and may be used for the achievement of the objectives under Article 10c (equal to the Bulgarian undercover agent) of the Special Intelligence Means Act, when this is provided for in an international treaty that has entered into force for the Republic of Bulgaria, or on a reciprocity basis an agreement is entered into on a case-by-case basis. Article 34i.(1) Special intelligence means may, other than in the cases referred to in Article 3, Paragraph 1, be also used when this is provided for in an international treaty that has entered into force for the Republic of Bulgaria. (2) In the cases referred to in Paragraph 1 special intelligence means may be used for the prevention and investigation of criminal offences that are explicitly set out in the international treaty, by virtue of which their use is allowed. In the next place, pursuant to the European Investigation Order Act, an European Investigation Order may also be issued for the purpose of a request to the Republic of Bulgaria to assist the issuing state in the conduction of investigations of the criminal offence by undercover agents. The issuing authority must specify in the European Investigation Order the grounds making it believe that the undercover investigation is relevant to the purpose of the respective criminal proceeding. The decision for the recognition and execution of an European Investigation Order is to be taken on a case-by-case basis by the competent authority under Article 9, Paragraph 1 of the European Investigation Order Act (see Subparagraph 3, point (а)) upon observance of the Bulgarian legislation. The undercover investigation on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria is to be carried out in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Code and the Special Intelligence Means Act. The competent authority for the execution of the European Investigation Order is the only one that has the right to act, manage and control the operations related to the undercover investigation. The duration of the undercover investigation, the detailed conditions, as well as the legal status of the respective officers participating in undercover investigations, are to be agreed upon between the issuing state and the Republic of Bulgaria upon observance of their national legislation. When the European Investigation Order is issued by a competent authority under Article 5, Paragraph 1 of the European Investigation Order Act, it must specify therein the grounds making it believe that the investigation undercover is relevant to the purpose of the respective criminal proceeding. The authority competent to issue an European Investigation Order in the Republic of Bulgaria is - in the general case: 1. the respective prosecutor – in the pre-trial proceeding; 2. the respective court – in the trial proceeding. The issuance of an European Investigation Order may also be requested by the accused, criminal defendant or by the defender authorised by them for the implementation of the required defence in the criminal proceeding in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Code. According to the latest amendments to the EIO Act, such instrument in the pre-trial proceedings shall be issued: - by the relevant prosecutor: -by the relevant prosecutor: on the basis of a prior authorisation granted by a judge, where such authorisation is required by Bulgarian legislation in order to carry out the investigative measure; the judge shall assess the necessity and proportionality of issuing the EIO and shall adjudicate according to the procedure and within the time limits established in a similar domestic case; -by the relevant court on a motion by the prosecutor, where the court is the sole authority to order the carrying out of an investigative measure in a domestic case. The competent authorities shall not reveal the evidence or the information made available to them as a result from the execution of the European Investigation Order, except to the extent, in which their revealing is required for the purpose of the investigation or proceeding, as described in the European Investigation Order, unless otherwise specified by the executing state. The respective competent authority may request from competent authorities of the Republic of Bulgaria to take part in the execution of the European Investigation Order in support of the executing authority, if this is provided for in the legislation of the executing state or if this does not prejudice core interests in the field of its national security. The competent authorities referred to in the preceding sentence who are on the territory of the executing state shall be governed by its legislation during the execution of the European Investigation Order.

Legal Framework

International legal framework applicable for this measure in your Member State

Criminal Procedure Code – Articles 172-177, section VIII, chapter XIV. Special intelligence means Act - Article 10c, Article 20, Article 6, Article 7, Article 34i, Article 34k. European Investigation Order Act – Article 5, Article 9, Article 10, Article 14, Article 33. Directive 2014/41/ EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 03 April 2014. For Member States that have not transposed the above mentioned directive: -European convention on mutual assistance on criminal matters of 1959 and the Second Additional Protocol or -Convention on mutual assistance in criminal matters between the Member States of the European Union of 2000. -By virtue of bilateral agreements and UN conventions. The measure is possible within the international legal cooperation, as this is regulated in Article 476, Paragraph 4 of the Criminal Procedure Code. According to this text, the competent authority is the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Bulgaria, on the condition that both states are governed by the European convention on mutual assistance on criminal matters of 1959 and the Second Additional Protocol or – for a EU Member State – Convention 2000, as well as by virtue of bilateral agreements and UN conventions.

Competent Authority

* receive the request/decision for judicial cooperation

In accordance with the procedure of Directive 2014/41/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 03 April 2014 – regulated in Article 9 and Article 10 of the European Investigation Order Act. The authority competent to recognise a European Investigation Order in the Republic of Bulgaria issued by a competent authority of another Member State shall be: 1. in the pre-trial proceedings - a prosecutor from the respective district or military-district prosecutor's office within whose judicial region the relevant investigative measure is requested to be carried out or evidence which is already in possession is requested to be transferred; 2. in the court proceedings or in case the EIO is issued by an administrative authority - the respective district or military court within whose judicial region the judicial investigation measure concerned is requested to be carried out or evidence which is already in possession is requested to be transferred.

Accepted languages

Accepted languages for the request/decision

The request for legal assistance and the documents enclosed thereto must be translated in Bulgarian. One of the official languages of the Council of Europe is also accepted. It is however recommendable to have the request translated in Bulgarian too. In accordance with the procedure of Directive 2014/41/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 03 April 2014. -Pursuant to Article 9, Paragraph 4 of the European Investigation Order Act, the European Investigation Order is to be send to the competent Bulgarian authorities translated in Bulgarian or in English.

Execution deadline

Deadlines for the execution of the request/decision (where applicable)

- Authorization up to 60 days; - An option for an extension by further 120 days in exceptional cases; - Maximum period of 180 days. In case of an EIO, no later than 30 days from the receipt of the EIO the competent authority has to take a decision for its recognition and execution. This term may be extended by not more than 30 days after indicating the reasons for the delay and after consultations between the competent authority and the issuing body. The competent authority for the execution of the EIO shall carry out actions for the investigation and other judicial investigation measures no later than 90 days from the date of its recognition. When it is not possible to observe the above terms, the competent authority shall immediately notify the issuing body of the reasons for the delay and after conducting consultations the necessary additional time for execution of an investigation measure and other judicial investigation measures shall be determined. When the issuing body has indicated in the EIO that due to the determined procedural terms, the gravity of the crime, or other especially urgent circumstances a shorter term is necessary or that investigative and judicial investigation measures must be carried out on a specific date, the competent authority for the execution of the EIO shall comply with this requirement as far as possible. When it is not possible to comply with the term or the specific date, the competent authority shall immediately notify the issuing body of the reasons and after conducting consultations the additional time necessary to execute an investigative measure and other judicial investigation measures shall be determined.

Concise legal practical information

Special requirements

The undercover agent shall be required to submit the following – a signed declaration by virtue of Article 173, Paragraph 3 of the Criminal Procedure Code that he/she is aware of his/her obligations and tasks under the specific investigation. This measure is usually accompanied by requests for the use of other special intelligence means – “tapping” and “video surveillance”, as the prosecutor must submit for these legal methods a request for authorization to the competent court. The deadline is provided for in Article 175, Paragraph 3 and Paragraph 4 of the Criminal Procedure Code. Article 175, Paragraph 6 of the Criminal Procedure Code provides for also the cases, in which the application of special intelligence means is to be discontinued. Pursuant to Article 476, Paragraph 5 of the Criminal Procedure Code, under the conditions of reciprocity, the foreign undercover agent may collect evidence in accordance with its national legislation. A separate agreement shall be required for such act, as it shall be given by an authority competent under the national legislation – in the case at hand, the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Bulgaria. The Bulgarian special services shall render assistance and support the foreign undercover agent until the latter acts on the Bulgarian territory.

Last reviewed on 30 June 2024 by EJN Secretariat


  • Cross-border operations (A.70-A.73)
  • A.70 Cross-border surveillance

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