• Set up of the Great Lakes Judicial Cooperation Network

    Set up of the Great Lakes Judicial Cooperation Network

    On 11 November 2016 in Nairobi, the Great Lakes Judicial Cooperation Network was established with the aim to facilitate the administration of justice through judicial cooperation in the Great Lakes region. This network comprises the 12 member states of the Great Lakes Region and other countries in the region and it will be based on the model of the EJN.

    23/11/2016 · Partners
  • Important CJEU judgments regarding the EAW and “Custodial sentences” Council Framework Decisions

    Important CJEU judgments regarding the EAW and “Custodial sentences” Council Framework Decisions

    Four important judgments in the area of judicial cooperation in criminal matters have been rendered by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) last week, three of them regarding the Council Framework Decision on the European arrest warrant and the surrender procedures between Member States and one in relation to the Framework Decision 2008/909/JHA on mutual recognition of custodial sentences.

    14/11/2016 · Legislation
  • 8th National Correspondents Meeting of the European Judicial Network

    8th National Correspondents Meeting of the European Judicial Network

    8th NCM took place in The Hague under the Slovak EU Presidency

    19/10/2016 · EJN
  • Second issue 2016 of Eucrim Journal

    Second issue 2016 of Eucrim Journal

    The second issue of EUCRIM 2016, dedicated to ‘The Costs of Non-Europe’, is now online.

    22/09/2016 · Partners
  • Meetings under the Maltese Presidency

    Meetings under the Maltese Presidency

    During the Maltese Presidency the following EJN meetings will take place.

    22/09/2016 · EJN
  • Italy in process of ratifying the Convention on mutual assistance in criminal matters between the EU...

    Italy in process of ratifying the Convention on mutual assistance in criminal matters between the EU Member States

    By Law no. 149 of 21 July 2016, the Italian Parliament authorised the ratification of the Convention of 29 May 2000 on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters between the Member States of the European Union, and delegated the Government for the adoption of the related, necessary, law provisions, which have to be adopted in the six months following the publication on the Italian Official Journal.

    07/09/2016 · Legislation
  • CJEU: A Member State is not required to grant every Union citizen who has moved within its territory...

    CJEU: A Member State is not required to grant every Union citizen who has moved within its territory the same protection against extradition as that granted to its own nationals

    On 6 September 2016, the Grand Chamber of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) delivered its judgment in Case C-182/15 Petruhhin. This case concerned a request for preliminary ruling made by the Latvian Supreme Court in the context of an extradition request addressed by the Russian Federation to Latvia, in relation to Mr Petruhhin, an Estonian national, in connection with a drug-trafficking offence.

    07/09/2016 · Legislation
  • The EU/CoE  ‘HELP in the 28’ course on "Data Protection and Privacy Rights" online

    The EU/CoE ‘HELP in the 28’ course on "Data Protection and Privacy Rights" online

    HELP stands as the European Programme for Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals. And “HELP in the 28” is the EU funded programme for HELP in the 28 EU Member States.

    06/09/2016 · Training
  • European Arrest Warrant: CJEU judgment in Case C-294 PPU - deducting the period of detention served ...

    European Arrest Warrant: CJEU judgment in Case C-294 PPU - deducting the period of detention served by the surrendered person in the Executing Member State

    The Member State that issued a European arrest warrant is required to consider, for the purposes of deducting the period of detention served in the executing Member State, whether the measures taken against the person concerned in the executing State have the effect of depriving a person of liberty.

    05/08/2016 · Legislation
  • Council Rotating EU Presidencies: Decision on revised order

    Council Rotating EU Presidencies: Decision on revised order

    Following the UK decision to relinquish the Council presidency in the second half of 2017

    27/07/2016 · General
  • New Compendium and revised Fiches Belges

    New Compendium and revised Fiches Belges

    Last week two important tools of the EJN Website have seen major upgrades. The Compendium is used to draft requests for judicial cooperation and replaces two earlier versions: the MLA Compendium and the EAW Compendium. The new Compendium extends the scope to incorporate several Mutual Recognition Instruments.

    13/07/2016 · EJN
  • Slovak Presidency of the Council of the European Union

    Slovak Presidency of the Council of the European Union

    The Slovak Republic is holding the Presidency of the Council of the European Union in the second semester of 2016.

    01/07/2016 · General
  • Ne bis in idem: Fresh proceedings may be brought against a suspect in a Schengen State where previou...

    Ne bis in idem: Fresh proceedings may be brought against a suspect in a Schengen State where previous criminal proceedings in another Schengen State were terminated without a detailed investigation

    An important judgment in preliminary ruling on the interpretation of the ne bis in idem principle in Schengen context has been pronounced today.

    29/06/2016 · Legislation
  • Second call for applications for finantial assistance for the organisation of EJN National and Regio...

    Second call for applications for finantial assistance for the organisation of EJN National and Regional meetings 2016

    Second call for applications have been launched for financial assistance for EJN regional and national meetings taking place in 2016.

    24/06/2016 · EJN
  • EuroPris May 2016 Newsletter

    EuroPris May 2016 Newsletter

    EuroPris May 2016 Newsletter

    23/06/2016 · Partners
  • 46th Plenary meeting of the European Judicial Network under the Netherlands Presidency

    46th Plenary meeting of the European Judicial Network under the Netherlands Presidency

    On 7-9 June 2016 the 46th Plenary of the European Judicial Network (EJN) took place in Amsterdam and The Hague under the Netherlands EU Presidency. The meeting gathered more than 130 participants: EJN contact points from the EU Member States, EU associated and candidate countries, as well as representatives from Eurojust, the European Commission, the General Secretariat of the Council of the EU, and partner organisations.

    21/06/2016 · EJN