• European Arrest Warrant: preliminary ruling of the Court of Justice confirming the need of a nationa...

    European Arrest Warrant: preliminary ruling of the Court of Justice confirming the need of a national arrest warrant issued prior to and separately from the European arrest warrant

    On 1 June 2016, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has rendered its judgment in Case C 241/15 “Bob-Dogi”, which clarified interesting legal aspects on the need for the existence of a national arrest warrant issued prior to and separately from the European arrest warrant.

    01/06/2016 · Legislation
  • European Arrest Warrant - Judgment of the Court of Justice on interpretation of Article 4a of the Co...

    European Arrest Warrant - Judgment of the Court of Justice on interpretation of Article 4a of the Council Framework Decision on the EAW regarding trial in absentia

    On 24 May 2016, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has rendered its judgment in case C-108/16 PPU “ Paweł Dworzecki”.

    31/05/2016 · Legislation
  • First issue 2016 of EUCRIM journal available online

    First issue 2016 of EUCRIM journal available online

    27/05/2016 · EJN
  • EuroPris March 2016 Newsletter

    EuroPris March 2016 Newsletter

    EuroPris March 2016 Newsletter

    03/05/2016 · Partners
  • Eurojust and EJN: Joint Paper

    Eurojust and EJN: Joint Paper

    Assistance in International Cooperation in Criminal Matters for Practitioners

    11/04/2016 · EJN
  • European Arrest Warrant  - Judgment of the Court of 
Justice (CJEU) regarding the detention conditi...

    European Arrest Warrant - Judgment of the Court of Justice (CJEU) regarding the detention conditions in the issuing Member State

    On 5 April 2016, the Grand Chamber of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) delivered an important judgment in the Joint Cases C-404/15 Aranyosi and C-659/15PPU Căldăraru.

    06/04/2016 · Legislation
  • 15th Tool Correspondents meeting of the European Judicial Network (EJN)

    15th Tool Correspondents meeting of the European Judicial Network (EJN)

    On 16 March 2016, the 15th Tool Correspondents meeting of the European Judicial Network took place in The Hague.

    22/03/2016 · EJN
  • New model form for Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) adopted at the Council of Europe (CoE)

    New model form for Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) adopted at the Council of Europe (CoE)

    In November 2015, the Council of Europe Committee of experts on the Operation of the European Conventions on Co-operation in Criminal matters (PC-OC) has adopted a Model Request Form for mutual legal assistance in criminal matters (MLA) and Guidelines to this form.

    11/03/2016 · General
  • Awarded grants for regional and national meetings 2016

    Awarded grants for regional and national meetings 2016

    The award decision on the financial assistance from the EJN budget for the organisation of EJN Regional and National meetings in 2016 has been signed.

    07/03/2016 · EJN
  • ERA Seminar: The Freezing, Confiscation and Recovery of Assets

    ERA Seminar: The Freezing, Confiscation and Recovery of Assets

    Trier, 19-20 May 2016 / State of play in relation to Directive 2014/42/EU on the freezing and confiscation of instrumentalities and proceeds of crime in the EU since transposition

    04/03/2016 · Training
  • Guidelines on EJN structure and on EJN meetings revised

    Guidelines on EJN structure and on EJN meetings revised

    New Guidelines on EJN structure and on EJN meetings

    01/03/2016 · EJN
  • EEW has been repealed

    EEW has been repealed

    Council Framework Decision 2008/978/JHA on the European evidence warrant (EEW) has been repealed by Regulation 2016/95.

    24/02/2016 · Legislation
  • EJTN's "EAW and MLA simulations" 2016

    EJTN's "EAW and MLA simulations" 2016

    The European Judicial Training Network (EJTN) will continue in 2016 its seminars "EAW and MLA simulations".

    11/02/2016 · Training
  • ERA Cybercrime Mock Trial, Trier, 25-26 April 2016

    ERA Cybercrime Mock Trial, Trier, 25-26 April 2016

    A Cybercrime Mock Trial will be organised by the Academy of European Law (ERA), in Trier, on 25-26 April 2016.

    11/02/2016 · Training