According to Art. 132 of Act 180 of 2012 on the cooperation with the Member States of the European Union in criminal matters probation measures may be executed in Hungary in form of community service work / ban from visiting sport events / work performed in amends / probation with supervision including specific rules of conduct to prescribe obligations and prohibitions / ban from travelling abroad.
Grounds for refusal include defects of certificate (it is not produced, incomplete or not corresponding to the decision), ne bis in idem, a procedural bar or immunity in the executing MS, amnesty. Laps of time, when the Hungarian authorities are also competent to decide on the act, is also a ground for refusal.
The court may also refuse the enforcement, if the conditions below are not met:
-the sentenced person is ordinary resident in Hungary or the sentenced person’s close family, cultural or economic connections to Hungary could promote his integration, and he returned/will return to Hungary or would be resident here,
-the remaining part of probation measure is not less than six months,
-both the certificate and the judgment translated into Hungarian are received.