• New CJEU judgment on the confiscation of an instrumentality belonging to the third party with a good...

    New CJEU judgment on the confiscation of an instrumentality belonging to the third party with a good faith

    On 14 January 2021, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) delivered a judgment in the case C‑393/19 ruling that a national law which permits the confiscation of an instrumentality used to commit an aggravated smuggling offence, where it belongs to a third party acting in good faith, is contrary to EU law.

    14/01/2021 · Legislation
  • CRIMJUST Global program "Strengthening Criminal Investigation and criminal justice cooperation along...

    CRIMJUST Global program "Strengthening Criminal Investigation and criminal justice cooperation along drug trafficking routes"

    The CRIMJUST Global program "Strengthening Criminal Investigation and criminal justice cooperation along drug trafficking routes" is implemented by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.

    13/01/2021 · Partners
  • Brexit: EU UK judicial cooperation after 01.01.21

    Brexit: EU UK judicial cooperation after 01.01.21

    EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement: Judicial cooperation as per 1 January 2021

    29/12/2020 · Legislation
  • EAW Council Conclusions

    EAW Council Conclusions

    On 1 December 2020 the Council of the EU adopted Council Conclusions: “The European arrest warrant and extradition procedures - current challenges and the way forward”

    18/12/2020 · Partners
  • New Regulation on Freezing and Confiscation applies as of 19 December 2020

    New Regulation on Freezing and Confiscation applies as of 19 December 2020

    As of 19 December 2020, the new Regulation 2018/1805 on the mutual recognition of freezing and confiscation orders applies.

    14/12/2020 · Legislation
  • 2nd Annual Meeting between the EJN Contact Points in the EU and in the Western Balkan region

    2nd Annual Meeting between the EJN Contact Points in the EU and in the Western Balkan region

    09/12/2020 · EJN
  • EIO - New CJEU judgment allows prosecutors to continue to issue an EIO

    EIO - New CJEU judgment allows prosecutors to continue to issue an EIO

    09/12/2020 · Legislation
  • Commission package to modernise EU justice by boosting training of justice professionals

    Commission package to modernise EU justice by boosting training of justice professionals

    On 2 December 2020 the Commission adopted a package to modernise EU justice by boosting training of justice professionals.

    04/12/2020 · EJN
  • European Judicial Network and Eurojust publish joint report on extradition of EU citizens to non-EU ...

    European Judicial Network and Eurojust publish joint report on extradition of EU citizens to non-EU countries

    The EJN and Eurojust publish a joint report on the practical application of the “Petruhhin” judgment of the Court of Justice of the EU across the EU. The report addresses the challenges that the judicial authorities are facing in cases of extradition of EU citizens to non-EU countries and the actual application of the “consultation procedure” introduced by the CJEU jurisprudence.

    03/12/2020 · EJN
  • COVID-19 - Provisional changes in the area of international judicial cooperation in response to the ...

    COVID-19 - Provisional changes in the area of international judicial cooperation in response to the pandemic.

    COVID-19 - Provisional changes in the area of international judicial cooperation in response to the pandemic.

    02/12/2020 · EJN
  • Transnational access to electronic evidence for criminal cases: trends and latest developments withi...

    Transnational access to electronic evidence for criminal cases: trends and latest developments within the EU and beyond

    Europol, Eurojust and the European Judicial Network publish today the second annual edition of the SIRIUS EU Digital Evidence Situation Report. The report outlines the status of EU authorities in retrieving electronic data held by foreign-based online service providers (OSPs) in 2019.

    01/12/2020 · EJN
  • E-manual for the implementation of Framework Decision 2008/947/JHA and Framework Decision 2009/829/J...

    E-manual for the implementation of Framework Decision 2008/947/JHA and Framework Decision 2009/829/JHA

    In light of the EU financed PONT project a final version of the e-manual for the implementation of two framework decisions has been published.

    26/11/2020 · Legislation
  • New EAW decision from the CJEU: interpretation of the term “executing judicial authority”

    New EAW decision from the CJEU: interpretation of the term “executing judicial authority”

    On 24 November 2020, the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) delivered a judgment on case C-510/19

    25/11/2020 · Legislation
  • EJTN Webinar on Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters (18 November)

    EJTN Webinar on Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters (18 November)

    Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters organized on 18 November and open to all Member States

    17/10/2020 · EJN
  • 12th National Correspondents Meeting of the EJN

    12th National Correspondents Meeting of the EJN

    On 30 September 2020, the 12th National Correspondents Meeting of the European Judicial Network (hereinafter - EJN) took place under the German Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the meeting was held via videoconference in an abbreviated manner, gathering 25 participants from EU Member States and representatives of the EJN Secretariat.

    16/10/2020 · EJN
  • PONT Online course on the implementation of the FD 829 and 947

    PONT Online course on the implementation of the FD 829 and 947

    Probation Observatory Network and Training (PONT) is a project co-funded by the European Commission Directorate General Justice and Consumers. The project is delivered by a strong partnership between University of Bucharest, University Loyola Andalucía, University of Latvia, Ministry of Justice/Bremen and the Confederation of European Probation (CEP)

    23/09/2020 · Legislation