• The European Commission published Guidelines on Extradition to Third States

    The European Commission published Guidelines on Extradition to Third States

    On 08 June 2022 the European Commission the Guidelines on Extradition to Third States. They can be found in all languages on the following link EUR-Lex - 52022XC0608(01) - EN - EUR-Lex (europa.eu)

    10/06/2022 · Legislation
  • EJN Regional Meeting, 2-3 June in Riga, Latvia

    EJN Regional Meeting, 2-3 June in Riga, Latvia

    On 2nd and 3rd June 2022 EJN Regional meeting took place, in Riga, Latvia, organised by the Latvian contact points of the EJN. To the meeting participated EJN contact points from Estonia, Finland, Lithuania and Sweden, National contact points from Latvia, more than 10 regional judges, 2 representatives from the General Prosecutor Office and 2 State police.

    09/06/2022 · EJN
  • New EAW judgment – time limit for surrender and interpretation of “force majeure”

    New EAW judgment – time limit for surrender and interpretation of “force majeure”

    The CJEU delivered a new EAW judgment, interpreting Article 23 of the EAW Framework Decision and the concept of “force majeure” concerning delayed execution of EAW.

    11/05/2022 · Legislation
  • 21st Tool Correspondents meeting of the European Judicial Network

    21st Tool Correspondents meeting of the European Judicial Network

    On 31 March 2022, the 21st Tool Correspondents meeting of the European Judicial Network (EJN), under the French Presidency of the EJN, took place in The Hague, preceded by an on-the-spot training for newly appointed Tool Correspondents on 30 March 2022.

    12/04/2022 · EJN
  • Invitation: judges@europe

    Invitation: judges@europe

    The European Judicial Training Network (EJTN) is honoured to invite judges of the European Union to judges@europe, a forum built upon the Council Conclusions “Boosting Training of Justice Professionals” of 8 March 2021 calling the European Commission to support the existing European networks to promote and enhance the dialogue among judges.

    10/03/2022 · Training
  • 43rd EJN Regular Meeting under the French Presidency

    43rd EJN Regular Meeting under the French Presidency

    On the 24th of February, the EJN met in the context of the 43rd EJN Regular meeting under the French Presidency of the Council of the EU. The meeting was organized in a hybrid format and gathered approximately 50 participants from EU Member States, Candidate Countries and EJN Associate countries.

    01/03/2022 · EJN
  • Belgian-Thai Bilateral Meeting of the Contact Points of European Judicial Network

    Belgian-Thai Bilateral Meeting of the Contact Points of European Judicial Network

    On 11 February 2022, Mr. Thomas Lamiroy, Federal Magistrate and Mr. Kris Van Opdenbosch of Federal Service Justice, EJN Contact Points for Belgium, held a meeting with Mr. Jumpon Phansumrit, Director General of the International Affairs Department of the Office of the Attorney General of Thailand, EJN Contact Point for Thailand, and his Thai staff.

    23/02/2022 · EJN
  • The new CJEU judgment regarding the competence of a prosecutor to issue the EIO

    The new CJEU judgment regarding the competence of a prosecutor to issue the EIO

    On 16 December 2021 the CJEU delivered a judgment in the case C-724/19 providing the interpretation of Article 2 (c)(i), Article 6 and Article 9(1) and (3) the EIO Directive.

    20/12/2021 · Legislation
  • Data Disclosure Framework (DDF): 90-Minute Introductory Webinar

    Data Disclosure Framework (DDF): 90-Minute Introductory Webinar

    08/12/2021 · Training
  • EUCRIM report available Issue 3/2021

    EUCRIM report available Issue 3/2021

    Focus: Protection of the EU's Financial Interests in the Current Multiannual Financial Framework

    08/12/2021 · EJN
  • Cooperation EJN CEP

    Cooperation EJN CEP

    EJN is cooperating with Confederation of European Probation with regard to the Framework Decisions on probation measures and alternative sanctions (2008/947/JHA) and on Supervision Order (2009/829/JHA).

    26/11/2021 · EJN
  • Cross-border access to electronic evidence: update and impact of the pandemic on data requests

    Cross-border access to electronic evidence: update and impact of the pandemic on data requests

    Europol, Eurojust and the European Judicial Network publish today the third annual edition of the SIRIUS European Union Digital Evidence Situation Report. This year, the report goes beyond a comprehensive status update by including an assessment of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the access of EU authorities to electronic evidence held by foreign-based online service providers (OSPs) in 2020.

    24/11/2021 · EJN
  • EIO - the new CJEU judgment requires the legal remedies as a prerequisite to issue an EIO

    EIO - the new CJEU judgment requires the legal remedies as a prerequisite to issue an EIO

    On 11 November 2021 the CJEU rendered a judgment in the case C-852/19 which is the second time the court provides the interpretation of the Directive 2014/41/EU on the European Investigation Order (EIO) in the criminal proceedings against Ivan Gavanozov.

    24/11/2021 · Legislation
  • New CJEU EAW/Surrender judgment – surrender provisions UK Withdrawal agreement binding on Ireland

    New CJEU EAW/Surrender judgment – surrender provisions UK Withdrawal agreement binding on Ireland

    On 16 November 2021, the CJEU, delivered judgment on case C-479/21 Governor of Cloverhill Prison and Others, concluding that the provisions in the EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement concerning the European arrest warrant/surrender regime with respect to the UK and the provision in the Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the EU and the UK concerning the new surrender mechanism are binding on Ireland.

    23/11/2021 · EJN
  • EJN National and Regional meeting, 4-5 November in Aveiro, Portugal

    EJN National and Regional meeting, 4-5 November in Aveiro, Portugal

    Last November 5th a regional meeting took place, in Aveiro, Portugal, organised by the Portuguese contact points of the EJN. Besides the presence of the national contact points, twenty two regional Prosecutors, two members of the Eurojust Portuguese desk - one of them is also an EJN contact point; a contact point from France and another one from Spain participated.

    12/11/2021 · EJN
  • ECLAN Newsletter - Latest developments in EU criminal law (January 2021 and June 2021)

    ECLAN Newsletter - Latest developments in EU criminal law (January 2021 and June 2021)

    The latest edition of the ECLAN Newsletter is now available.

    09/11/2021 · Partners