Under the EIO Directive : the EIO shall indicate the information for the purpose of identifying the subject of the interception, the desired duration of the interception, sufficient technical data, in particular the target identifier, to ensure that the EIO can be executed and the reasons why it considers the indicated investigative measure relevant for the purpose of the criminal proceedings concerned. Luxembourg authorities may make their consent subject to any conditions which would be observed in a similar domestic case. Besides the grounds of non-recognition/execution provided under art. 11 Directive 2014/41/EU, recognition and execution might be refused where the measure would be contrary to the fundamental principles of Luxembourg Law. The EIO may be executed by transmitting telecommunications immediately to the issuing State or intercepting, recording and subsequently transmitting the outcome of interception of telecommunications to the issuing State.
Under MLA instruments, to be requested by international letters rogatory. Contents: an indication of the authority making the request; a summary of the facts; confirmation that a lawful interception order or warrant has been issued in connection with a criminal investigation; information for the purpose of identifying the subject of the interception; an indication of the criminal conduct under investigation; the desired duration of the interception; and if possible, the provision of sufficient technical data, in particular the relevant network connection number and / or IMEI number, to ensure that the request can be met. Execution of the measure in conformity with the procedure applicable in the requesting State : possible as a matter of principle; to be assessed on a case by case basis. Relevant formalities to be expressly indicated.
Irrespective of the statutory basis, duration limited to one month by law; prolongation possible on a monthly basis as long as necessary, however no longer than one year. Transcription of the relevant communications under authority of the investigating judge.