Measure Implementation

Is this measure possible in your Member State under International Judicial Cooperation?

Yes. Judicial decisions issued by a judicial authority with a view to the arrest and surrender of a requested person, for the purposes of conducting a criminal prosecution or executing a custodial sentence or detention order.

Legal Framework

International legal framework applicable for this measure in your Member State

Council Framework Decision 2002/584/JHA of 13 June 2002 on the European arrest warrant and the surrender procedures between Member States (implemented by the law of 17 March 2004)

Competent Authority

* receive the request/decision for judicial cooperation

The competent authority to receive the EAW is the Public Prosecutor of the competent District Court (with jurisdiction over the place of residence of the person or over the location where the person is in custody). Following the arrest, the person is heard by the Investigating Judge, who may order continued detention. If the person does not consent to surrender, the decision to execute the EAW is taken by the Pre-trial Chamber of the competent District Court.

Accepted languages

Accepted languages for the request/decision

EAW translated into French, German or English.

Execution deadline

Deadlines for the execution of the request/decision (where applicable)

Final decision on the execution of the EAW within 60 days after the arrest (specific deadlines are set forth under national law depending notably on whether the person consents to surrender, he or the prosecutor lodges an appeal)

Concise legal practical information

Special requirements

All mandatory and optional grounds for non-execution provided under articles 3 and 4 FD apply. Luxembourg authorities may also refuser to surrender a minor over 16 years of age at the time where he perpetrated the offence. In order for the issuing State to prosecute the person subject to the EAW for an offence other than that for which he was surrendered, a request shall be addressed to the Luxembourg executing authority, unless the person renounce entitlement to the speciality rule. Consent by Luxembourg executing authorities to subsequent surrender or extradition by the issuing State is also required under the conditions provided under article 28 FD.

Last reviewed on 10 May 2024 by EJN Secretariat


  • Transfer of proceedings (D.1)
  • D.1 Transfer of proceedings

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