- Hearings, in the pre-trial phase, are usually carried out by the police - if it is not required by the law of the requesting state, that the hearing is carried out by the investigating judge. A record is made of the interrogation, which is signed by the person being interrogated.
- In general, a witness is obliged to testify. Only when specific circumstances are met, the witness has the right to refuse to testify (e.g. if he is a close relative to the suspect/person accused or if he is suspected of having participated in the criminal offence in question). Before the hearing, information must be provided on the conditions under which the witness may refuse to testify.
- Experts and expert witnesses may be heard in basically the same way as witnesses.
- Victims of a crime may bring someone with them to their hearing. This person is allowed to be present at the hearing and can only be excluded in exceptional cases (e.g. if this person is a witness himself - due to the legal requirement that witnesses shall not be present during the hearing of other witnesses). Under special conditions, the victim of a crime can also request to be professionaly accompanied by so-called psychosocial process support.
- At the main trial/hearing the questioning of witnesses under 18 years is conducted by the presiding judge. The panel of judges, the public prosecutor, the defense counsel, the defendant can ask the witnesses under 18 years by the presiding judge. The presiding judge can allow a direct questioning of witnesses under 18 years by the panel of judges, the public prosecutor, the defense counsel and the defendant unless there is no danger for the well being of the witness under 18 years.
- Hearings of suspects and persons accused are executed in accordance with the national law while taking into account special requirements of the requesting MS set out in the request. The person concerned will be informed of his right to be silent prior to the hearing. The summons before the public prosecutor/the court (not before the police) may include an admonition that the person concerned shall be brought before the public prosecutor/court in the case of non-compliance.
- Victims and plaintiffs are not entitled to question the accused. However, their legal representatives are entitled to do so within the framework of the trial.