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Judicial cooperation measure
Persons who have in their possession items which could be of importance for the investigations are obliged to surrender to the investigation authorities such items for the investigation. This also includes the submission of written documents. This in principle also applies for items in possession of national authorities. In the case of non-compliance, coercive measures may be used. This shall not apply to persons who are entitled to refuse to testify.
Directive 2014/41/EU European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters, 20.04.1959 Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement Convention on Mutual Legal Assistance between Member States of the European Union, 29.05.2000
Public Prosecutor's Office
Where the request for mutual assistance and the annexed documents are not in the German language they must be accompanied by translations of the request and the supporting documents into the German language unless it has been agreed differently in a bilateral agreement.
Under the European Investigation Order: The decision on the recognition shall be taken within 30 days. The measure shall be carried out within 90 days following the taking of the decision on the recognition. For States not applying the European Investigation Order: No Deadlines.
Last reviewed on 11 July 2022 by EJN Secretariat