General requirements:
A secured object is surrendered to the injured party if that party’s right of ownership in the item of property is not contested.
The return of confiscated proceeds of crime is permissible; the law of the issuing state within the meaning of Regulation (EU) 2018/1805 applies. If it is not possible to return a specific item of property, then the proceeds of enforcement may be paid out.
Information concerning the order for the return of confiscated items of property is to be included in the freezing certificate or sent to the public prosecution office which is competent in respect of enforcement.
The decision relating to the return of confiscated assets is to be included with the confiscation certificate or subsequently sent to the public prosecution office which is competent in respect of enforcement.
The Land departments of justice (Landesjustizverwaltungen) or one of their subordinate agencies are responsible for administering secured or confiscated assets.