According to German law controlled deliveries are a special kind of cross-border observation. According to German law controlled transit is the illegal transport of drugs, weapons, stolen property or goods and similar from abroad via Germany to a third country under surveillance. Controlled export is the illegal transport from Germany to foreign countries under surveillance. Controlled import is the illegal transport from foreign countries to Germany under surveillance.
In addition to the requirements of cross-border surveillange (see measure A 70), controlled deliveries are premissable, if
- the identities of the persons pulling the strings or the ways of distribution cannot be established by other means,
- surveillance guarantees access to the perpetrator and the delivered good at any time,
- the states involved consent to controlled import or transit
- the foreign state guarantees to control the delivery constantly, to investigate the courier, the persons pulling the strings and customers, to confiscate the delivered goods and to keep the German prosecution service informed constantly.