The person who is on the territory of the Republic of Croatia and has to be heard as witness or expert witness by the authorities of other Member State of EU that applies Directive 2014/41/EU on EIO, if it is not possible or appropriate to hear her/him in person on the territory of issuing state, County State Attorney´s Office that received EIO shall execute it in accordance with domestic law. The provisions on hearing by video-conference shall be applied mutatis mutandi.
Hearing witness or expert witness who is on the territory of the Republic of Croatia by telephone conference is being conducted in accordance with Article 10 Second Additional Protocol to the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters.
If the hearing by video-conference is conducted on the basis of the MLA request the applicable international agreements are being applied (Article 10 of CoE Second Additional Protocol to the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters (2001)) and domestic law (Articles 195 and 196 of the Criminal Procedure Act)
It is necessary to emphasize that Article 10 of the mentioned Second Additional Protocol applies on hearing of witness or expert witness who are on the territory of other Party.
A hearing may be conducted by telephone conference only if the witness or expert agrees that the hearing take place by that method. The Republic of Croatia shall agree to the hearing by telephone conference when this is not contrary to fundamental principles of its law.
If the requesting State is not a party of the Second Additional Protocol to the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters (2001) the legal basis for the execution of the MLA request shall be other applicable international agreement.
In the absence of the international agreement the rule of reciprocity is being applied and applicable provisions of the Act on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters and Criminal Procedure Act (Articles 195 and 196). In accordance with mentioned provisions the hearing by telephone conference can be conducted for the purpose of verifying an alibi and other important facts for criminal prosecution. The recording of the telephone conference may be used as evidence in criminal proceedings if the interrogation of defendant was conducted in the presence of defence lawyer and in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Act, and the hearing of witness was conducted in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Act.