Expert witness testimony shall be ordered when, with a view to determine or assess relevant facts, it is necessary to obtain findings and the opinion of a person who has the necessary expert knowledge.
If there is a suspicion that the defendant's ability to count has been excluded or reduced, that the defendant has committed a criminal offense due to alcohol or narcotic drug addiction, or that he is incompetent to stand trial due to mental disorders, an expert opinion will be determined by a psychiatric examination of the defendant.
Onwards, if it is necessary to carry out the expert examination, the defendant may be forcibly detained in a health institution by a court decision. Before the indictment is confirmed, the decision on forced detention is made by the investigating judge, and after the indictment is confirmed, the court before which the hearing is held. Detention can last a maximum of one month. In case of need for a new expert opinion, the retention can be repeated only once.
If the expert examination is ordered for the purpose of assessing the defendant's mental capacity, the expert will determine whether the defendant had any mental illness, temporary mental disorder, insufficient mental development or some other serious mental disorder at the time of the commission of the crime, and will determine the nature, type, degree and the durability of the mental disorder and to give their opinion on what influence such a mental state had on the defendant's understanding of the meaning of his actions or control of his will.
If the expert assesses that the defendant was not able to understand the meaning of his actions at the time of the commission of the crime or was unable to control his will, he will give an opinion on the degree of probability that this person could commit a more serious crime due to mental disorders and whether it is for removal and that danger requires her treatment in a psychiatric institution or psychiatric treatment at liberty, and if he assesses that the defendant's possibilities of understanding the meaning of his actions or controlling his own will were reduced, he will give an opinion on. Whether there is a danger that the reasons for such a state may act as an incentive to commit crimes in the future of the new criminal offense that is, that the defendant due to mental disorders due to in which his significantly reduced countability occurred, he could commit a more serious crime in the future .
Onwards, if the expert examination is determined to assess the defendant's capacity to stand trial, the expert will establish whether the defendant has mental disorders and give his opinion on whether he is capable of understanding the nature and purpose of criminal proceedings, understanding certain procedural actions and their consequences, communicating with the defence attorney and giving him instructions.