When the competent county State Attorney's Office receives a European Investigation Order for the temporary seizure of objects which will serve as evidence, it shall without delay take the actions necessary for its execution in accordance with domestic law.
The notice on the actions taken for the execution of the European Investigation Order shall be delivered to the issuing authority without delay.
If the duration of the interim measure is limited under domestic law, the competent authority executing the order shall notify the issuing State, which has the possibility to take other necessary actions to obtain evidence.
When the competent county attorney's office receives a European investigation order for the temporary confiscation of items that will serve as evidence, it shall without delay undertake the necessary actions for its execution in accordance with domestic law. Notification of the actions taken to execute the European investigation order shall be delivered to the authority that issued the order, without delay. If the duration of the temporary measure is limited by domestic law, the competent authority executing the order shall notify the country of issuance of the order, which has the possibility of taking other necessary measures, about this limitation. actions for the purpose of securing evidence.
For freezing of assets see measure code E.1.
For freezing of bank accounts see measure code E.2