Physical examination of the suspect or defendant shall be carried out without his consent if it is necessary to determine facts relevant to the criminal proceedings. A physical examination of other persons may be carried out without their consent only if it is necessary to determine whether there is a certain trace or consequence of an offence on his/her body.
A physical examination shall also be carried out in searches during which body cavities are to be penetrated or artificial limbs or organs attached to body are removed from the body or when this is required by special conditions or health conditions of the person being searched.
Taking blood samples and other medical procedures performed according to the rules of medical science in order to analyse and determine other relevant facts for the proceedings may be carried out only in order to determine whether there is a certain trace or consequence of a criminal offence on other person’s body and only with the consent of this person.
Surgery on the defendant may be, based on a court order, taken only if in his/her body are the objects of committing a crime, which otherwise could not be removed, and in the cases of crimes: terrorism, financing of terrorism, slavery, trafficking, trafficking in human parts bodies and human embryos, murder, exploitation of children for pornography, illicit production and trafficking of drugs, serious offenses against public safety, money counterfeiting, illegal possession, production and acquisition of weapons and explosives, disclosing classified information and espionage. The court will make a decision on operative intervention, taking into account the necessity of removing these items in order to prevent endangerment of the defendant's life and the risk of operative intervention.
Taking blood and urine samples from the defendant and other persons shall be undertaken without their consent if it can be taken without harm to their health, and it is necessary to determine the facts relevant to criminal proceedings.
Taking of the blood and urine samples from the defendant and other persons shall be undertaken without their consent if it can be taken without harm to their health, and it is necessary to determine the facts relevant to criminal proceedings. This action should be carried out by medically qualified person.
If the other person does not agree to the examination referred to above mentioned, it may be undertaken by order of the investigating judge for criminal offenses for which a prison sentence of more than five years has been prescribed.