The investigative measure of technical and scientific examination is being conducted in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Act as applicable law of the Republic of Croatia as executing State/requested State:
Expert examination is determined by a written order by the body leading the procedure. The order will specify the facts with which the expert opinion is conducted and to whom it is entrusted. The order is also delivered to the parties.
If there is an expert institution or state body for a certain type of expert examination, such expert examinations, especially more complex ones, will, as a rule, be entrusted to such an institution or body. The institution or body appoints one or more experts who will perform the expert examination. As a rule, one expert is appointed, and if the expert examination is complex, two or more experts. If there are experts permanently appointed by the court for any type of expert examination, other experts may be appointed only if there is a risk of delay, or if the permanent experts are prevented, or if other circumstances require it.
An expert cannot be a person who cannot be examined as a witness or a person who is exempt from the duty to testify, nor a person against whom a criminal offense has been committed, and if taken, his findings and opinion cannot be used as evidence in proceedings.
The reason for the exemption of an expert also exists in connection with a person who, together with the plaintiff, defendant, victim or injured party, is employed in the same state body or by the same employer.
Examination and autopsy of the body will always be undertaken when there is a doubt, or it is obvious that the death was caused by a criminal offense or is related to the commission of a criminal offense. If the body has already been buried, exhumation will be ordered for its examination and autopsy.
During the autopsy of the body, the necessary measures will be taken to establish the identity of the body, and for this purpose, the data on the external and internal physical characteristics of the body will be specifically described. Exhumation can only be ordered by the court.
Please note that Article 9 para 2 of the Directive 2014/41/EU of 3 April 2014 on the European Investigation Order:” The executing authority shall comply with the formalities and procedures expressly indicated by the issuing authority unless otherwise provided in this Directive and provided that such formalities and procedures are not contrary to the fundamental principles of law of the executing State.”
Most of the international agreements prescribe the possibilities of conducting requested investigative measure in accordance with the law of requesting state. For example, Article 8 of the Second Additional Protocol to the European Convention on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters prescribes the following:
“Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 3 of the Convention, where requests specify formalities or procedures which are necessary under the law of the requesting Party, even if unfamiliar to the requested Party, the latter shall comply with such requests to the extent that the action sought is not contrary to fundamental principles of its law, unless otherwise provided for in this Protocol.2
In the absence of the international agreement the rule of reciprocity is being applied as well as domestic law.
In accordance with the Article 10 of the Act on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters the Republic of Croatia as requesting state can execute service in accordance with the law of requesting state:
(1) When providing international legal assistance, the domestic judicial body will comply with the formalities and procedures that are explicitly stated in the application as necessary according to the law of the requesting state, unless an international treaty provides otherwise and on the condition that such formalities and procedures do not contradict the principles domestic legal order.
(2) The domestic judicial body decides upon the request of the foreign judicial body without delay, taking into account procedural deadlines and other specially determined deadlines explained in the request.