According to the Article 220 of the CPC, a search may be conducted by a prosecutor, or, under a decision issued by a court or a public prosecutor, by the Police, or another LEA. The person on whose premises the search is to be conducted shall be presented with a decision issued by a court or a prosecutor. In cases of utmost urgency, if the decision of a court or a prosecutor could not be issued, the person carrying out the search shall present an order of the manager of their unit or an official ID card, and then without delay requests – depending on the stage of the proceedings – the court or the prosecutor to approve the search. The decision of a court or a prosecutor as regards the approval shall be served on the person at the premises of whom the search was carried out, within 7 days as of the date of the procedural action, upon request of that person included in the record. Such a person shall be advised of the right of including such a request in the record.
According to the Article 221 of the CPC, searches of occupied premises shall be conducted at night only in cases of utmost urgency; night shall be understood as the period from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. A search commenced by day may be continued into the night. A night search may be conducted on premises that are at the time open to the public, or used for the storage of goods.
According to the Article 222 of the CPC, if a search is to be made of closed premises or place belonging to a State or local government institution, the manager of such an institution or their deputy, or a relevant body of control shall be notified and permitted to be present at the search. A search of military premises shall be conducted only in the presence of the commander in chief or a person designated by them.
According to the Article 223 of the CPC, searches of person and clothing are to be conducted, as far as possible, by a person of the same sex as the person searched.
According to the Article 236 of the CPC, a decision concerning a search, a seizure of objects, and physical evidence, as well as other procedural actions, may be complained against by persons whose rights have been violated; a complaint against a decision issued or an action performed as part of an investigation shall be examined by the district court within whose territorial jurisdiction the investigation is conducted.
Other useful information:
Dual criminality is required.